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How to use http://tools.tango.info/tagging.php

These are instructions for ripping CDs to your hard drive and tagging the resulting MP3 or FLAC files with tagging information from tango.info.

Step 1 - Rip CD to your hard drive

Use a program such as CDex (http://cdexos.sourceforge.net). Ensure you rip each CD to a separate folder. To be able to perform multiple CD tagging (see below), you must ensure you rip every track from each album.

Step 2 - Retrieve the tagging information for the newly ripped audio files

Note: This requires the mp3tag program V2.39c or later, from http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ (English, free of charge). Note: Currently this procedure works only for single-CD albums.

The barcode number referred to below is the 13 or 14-digit number found next to the barcode which is usually found on the back cover of the CD case.


  • For a single CD for which you have the barcode number:
  1. Go to http://tools.tango.info/tagging.php.
  2. Enter the bar code number into the (unlabelled) query window and click Submit Query.
  • or, for a single CD for which you do not have the barcode number:
  1. Go to http://eng.tango.info, enter album's artist name and click search.
  2. In the search results, locate under CDs the title of your album, click on it, and then click on tools.tango.info/tagging.
  • or, for multiple CDs for which you have barcode numbers:
  1. Ensure each CD is in a separate folder the name of which somewhere contains the barcode number, and that all these folders are in a single containing folder with no other audio files.
  2. Launch mp3tag.
  3. Click File | Change directory... and select the folder containing your CD files.
  4. Click File | Export | <starred page icon> and click OK.
  5. In the text editor window, replace the entire content with the following two lines (taking care to preserve the line break):
  1. Save the file.
  2. In the mp3tag Options dialog box, click OK.
  3. When asked Display Export file now?, click Yes.
  4. In the text editor window that appears (showing a list of the barcode numbers of all the CDs), copy all lines to the clipboard.
  5. Go to http://tools.tango.info/tagging.php.
  6. Paste into the (unlabelled) query window and click Submit Query.

Step 3 - Create a text file containing the retrieved tagging information

With your mouse, highlight the list of tags you retrieved in Step 2, then right click and Copy it. (Note: don't copy the whole page, just the list of tags. Each line of this list begins with the 14-digit number and is followed by other tagging info such as album, song title, track number and year.) Launch Notepad, press CTRL+V to patste this list, then press CTRL+S to save and enter as the Filename c:\temp.txt.

Step 4 - Tag the audio files

  1. Launch mp3tag.
  2. Click File | Change directory... and select the folder containing your ripped CD(s).
  3. If you are tagging multiple CDs:
    1. Right-click the tracklist heading, and click Customise columns....
    2. In the Columns dialog box that appears, click <starred page icon>.
    3. In Name enter "TIN".
    4. In Value and Sort by enter
      $if($eql(%_directory%,$regexp(%_directory%,^(.*)('[''[':digit:']'']'{13,14}).*$,\2)),none found in folder name,$regexp(%_directory%,^(.*)('[''[':digit:']'']'{13,14}).*$,\2))
    5. Click OK.
    6. In the tracklist heading, click on "TIN".
  1. Click Edit | Select all files.
  2. Click Convert | Text file - tag.
  3. In Filename enter c:\temp.txt.
  4. In Format string enter
  5. Click OK. The files will be tagged.

Note: If the file set fails to include every track from each CD, the tracklist will be misaligned with the tag list and hence mistagging will occur.


1 The 'disc_tin' field carries a TIN - see http://wiki.tango.info/mul/Tango_Information_Number .