MediaMonkey - ripping CD album

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Recommended process to to rip a CD using Windows MediaMonkey (tested with build 1306 by Chrisjjj 16:59, 28 March 2013 (UTC)):

  • Find album TIN by one of
    • Read barcode number, and add zeros to left to make 14 digits
    • Search for album title and artist on, verifying result e.g. by comparing track listing
  • Launch MediaMonkey
  • Insert album's first CD
  • Click menu bar Tools, Rip Audio CD...
  • In Destination: enter e.g. (for TINT-based filing):

<library path>\<TIN>\<disc number>\<Track#>

substituting the italics items e.g. S:\TLIB\04025438002088\1\<Track#>

  • Set Format: to WMA, and Settings to
  • Ensure [ ] Level Track Volume i.e. UNcheckmarked
  • Checkmark [x] Eject CD after ripping
  • To start the rip operation, click OK
  • Wait for the blue status bar at window bottom to disappear, indicating completion
  • Enter label values by one of
    • use solo tagging
    • when all albums are ripped, use mass tagging
    • use manual tagging, employing values from the album cover, or another source:
      • In the pane at left, under Recently Added Tracks, click the entry at the bottom of the list - the main pane will show the CD's tracks
      • In the main pane, select all tracks, right-click, click Properties
      • Enter the label values common to all tracks: Album, Album Artist, Disc # - click OK
      • Select the first track, click menu bar View, Properties
      • Enter the track-specific label values - Track title, Artist, Genre, Year
      • Click the right-arrow button (not key) to go to the next track, enter label values, repeat until all tracks are done, and click Close
  • For each additional disc in the album...
    • Insert CD
    • Click menu bar Tools, Rip Audio CD...
    • In Destination:, adjust the disc number
    • Repeat from "To start the rip operation, click OK" above