Tango.info ad 300x50

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tango.info ad 300x50 is 300px wide and 50px heigh. File size is maximum 5kB. It can be png/jpg/gif. We recommend .png over gif.

This ad has the same definition as the 300x50 ad by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA). By following industry standards tango.info hopes to make advertising for you easier; if you have created an ad with this specifications you can hopefully use it on other websits too.

300px width x 50px height, < 5 kB, png/jpg/gif

Mobile Ad, defined by Mobile Marketing Association

File size 5kB

The official file size 5kB is quite small, so you have to restrict what you want to bring into it. This small size helps tango.info that pages still load fast and additionally the image can also be used in future for mobile advertising, where bandwidth may be smaller.

Reducing file size

  • try jpg vs gif
  • use one color as background
  • use a color palette


You can see some examples at http://festivals.tango.info

See also