Tango.info TINC index

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If you arrived at this page via a tango.info link, you were looking for details of a Code Agreement TINP (TINC) item.

tango.info does not currently hold TINC item details. Here is a list of the ranges of all currently issued TINCs. You may find the item details in the appropriate issuer's TINC index.

TINC range issuer issuer's website issuer's TINC index
0248000291kl2n tangocd.com http://www.tangocd.com none
0248000292klmn User:Chrisjjj http://www.chrisjj.com User:Chrisjjj/TINC index
0248000293kl2n User:Jspatzdc
02480002941l2n User:Pouillet
02480002942l2n User:Pouillet