ISO 8601

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ISO 8601:2004 is a standard having the name "Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times". [1] uses the international date and time format as defined by w:ISO 8601. This eliminates ambiguities, makes searching the site and sorting dates easier.


A standard date format looks like: 2006-05-01

Examples for non standard local formats:

  • 01/05/06 (does it mean 2001-05-06 or 2006-01-05 or 2006-05-01?)
  • 1.5.06
  • 1/5/2006
  • 5/1/2006
  • 1.5.2006


Time is always written like 21:30. Time intervals should be represented like 21:30--23:45.


Intervals are represented by start point and end point, seperated by "--". The ISO standard recomends "/" but allows "--" as a seperator. Because "--" can be used in filenames, prefers this.

Examples for date intervals

  • 2007-06-25--26 -> start: 2007-06-25 end 2007-06-26 (two days)
  • 2007-06-25--29 -> start: 2007-06-25 end: 2007-06-29 (five days)
  • 2007-06-25--07-01 -> start: 2007-06-25 end: 2007-07-01 (seven days, touching two monthes)
  • 2007-12-30--2008-01-02 -> start: 2007-12-30 end: 2008-01-02 (four days, touching two monthes and two years.)

Examples for time intervals

Time intervals should be represented like 21:30--23:45.

Examples for datetime intervals

Datetime interval could be written like: 2008-09-26 20:00--22:00

Repeating intervals

  • defined in the standard in section 4.5 Recurring time interval
    • Number of repetitions (optional) from 1 to unbounded
    • plus one of the following
      • a) start point and end point
      • b) duration and context
      • c) start point and duration
      • d) duration and end point
  • would use c). Example with unbounded repetition:
    • R--2008-01-01T14:30--16:00
    • how to define when an event is repeated?
