Tango.info object id

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A tango.info object id is a tango.info object name that identifies exactly one tango.info object.

Descriptive information

Each id has an authority that issued the id.


The string fits the regex [-._ /:A-Za-z0-9]+

Currently the ":" is used only in the time component[1] of an ISO 8601 identifier.

Currently the "/" is used only in

Currently the "_" is used only in the youtube videoID.

Currently the "." is used only in the

  • tango.info youtube video id, format: youtube.<youtube video id>
  • tango.info ipi person id, format: ipi.<IPI-13 number>

Currently case sensitivity only exists in

  • the youtube videoID.
  • the ISWC


For object identifiers the char preferences are given by the following order:

char as regex note
  • if a space shall be presented
  • used inside youtube ids
  • to increase readability, e.g. in ISO 8601 data representation
  • for concatenation, e.g. in TINT
  • used inside youtube ids
/ concatenation, e.g. in file system
. concatination, when / is not available, e.g. in file names


In path names the "/" is used. If "/" cannot be used the general recommendation is to use the "." instead.

That also means the . and / are to be avoided inside ids, if possible.


See tango.info object id conventions.


See also