Musical work title translation into English

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For an introduction see work title translations.

List of Song Titles:


Tango Song Title Means in English Comments Song Information
Armenonville A restaurant in Bs.As. in 1911 From:

Carlos Bonifacio Diego Lanzavechia and Manuel Loureiro met for the first time in 1892, when both were working as waiters at the Hotel Vignolles, in San Isidro, a locality of the province of Buenos Aires. Two decades later, in the late 1911, as partners they opened the renowned restaurant Armenonville, on Avenida Alvear (today, Avenida del Libertador General San Martín) and Tagle street. The bandoneon player Juan Maglio 'Pacho' was among the closest friends of the owners of the local -as Georgina Paván de De Tomaso, Lanzavechia's granddaughter informs us- and because of that he precisely named "Armenonville" one of his tangos.
A fuego lento To a slow fire
A la gran muñeca To the Big Doll Contribution by Ruddy Zelaya - TangoLyrics Forum.

A La Gran Muñeca is a tango (music: Jesus Ventura, Lyrics: Miguel F. Oses) written for a musical revue of the same name that debuted August 1st, 1919 in the theater Buenos Aires. The title has nothing to do with wrists or jockey's nicknames (by the way, Irineo Leguisamo's was 'El Pulpo' not "Muñeca"; I don't know if Eduardo Jara had one). The musical's libretto was not original in that the same idea had been explored in other works such as La Poupée and Coppélia (and a few years later, in several episodes of The Twilight Zone ;-), that is, a toy store in which the dolls come alive. The music and choreography (of 62 dolls!!), however, turned it into the hit of the season.
A media luz At half light With the lights down low
A mis compañeros To My Friends
A oscuras In the dark most probable translation
Adios Bardi Farewell Bardi Osvaldo Pugliese named this tango in 1944 for Agustin Bardi, who passed away in 1941.
A todo trapo At Full Sail
Abandono Abandonment
Acordáte Remember
Acquaforte Etching
Adiós Argentina Farewell Argentina
Adios arrabal Farewell Suburbs
Adios muchachos Goodbye
Adios Nonino Farwell Nonino Piazzolla says farewell to his father
Adios pampa mía Farewell to my pampa the pampas - plains in Argentina
Adios Farewell
Afiches (Affiche) Poster lyrics are: the advertising is cruel in the poster and in the fetish of a paper affiche
Agua florida Flowery water
Ahora no me conoces Now you don't know me
Ahora tengo un amor Now I have a love
Alas Rotas Broken wings
Al compás de un tango To the beat of a Tango
Al compás del corazón To the beat of the heart
Al subir, al bajar Going up and Going down
Alguien la dice al tango Someone says to the tango
Alma de Bohemio Bohemian's soul
Alma del bandoneón The soul of the bandoneón
Alma en pena Soul in pain
Alrededor del choclo Around the corn, around the corner Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - The composer of this tango is Pablo Ziegler , he introduced it in his CD " Bajo cero".

The idea of (Pablo) Ziegler … was to play "Alrededor de el chock" with the leit motiv of the tango El choclo , introducing some jazz music here and there, and taking back the tango pattern from time to time, into the playing. He said he play with the idea of "corn" as choclo is translated, and corner , like "round the corner" with jazz music played. So , a more accurate translation for this title would be "Around the corn-around the corner" .

Amiga Girl friend
Amigos que yo quiero Friends who I love
Amor ciego Blind Love
Amor y celos Love and Jealousy
Amurado Abandoned
Anclao en Paris Anchored in Paris
Añorándote Missing you
Aquí me pongo a cantar Here I stand singing
Aroma de amor Scent of Love
Asfalto Street Tango
Asi es el tango That is how tango is
Asi se baila el tango That's how one dances tango
Ataniche Could this be a persons name  ?????
Atenti pebeta Careful babe!
Audacia Audacity


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Bandera Bajo flag down Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - ...concerning this title of the milonga , "Bandera baja" , means the  fare meter of the old taxi cabs , that use a machine box, with a side "free" sign, that looks like a small flag. Therefore, "bandera baja", in this sense, means that the car is occupied, it can not take a passenger. There is a shorter tango in lunfardo singed by Rivero, I think it could be helpful for the spirit of translation, since it makes a brief and crude drawing of a woman , using this "figure of speech" that Bandera baja implies.
Barrio Reo Lowdown neighborhood (suburb) lyrics at [1]
Bahía Blanca The city of Bahía Blanca near BsAs
Bailarin compadrito Braggart dancer a conceited and vain dancer
Bailas como sos You dance who you are
Bailongo de los Domingos Sunday's ball
Bajo Un Cielo De Estrellas Under a starry sky
Balada para un loco Ballad for a crazy
Baldosa Floja A tile come loose
Bandoneón arrabalero Bandoneón from the rough side of town
Belen Church of Nuestra Signora de Belen in barrio San Telmo
Bueno Good!


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
C.T.V (se te ve) Is visible (from you) Your slip is showing
Cada Vez Que Me Recuerdes Each Time You Remember Me
Cada Vez Que Respiras Every breath you take Esteban Morgado album Milongueros
Cafetin de Buenos Aires Small tavern - cafe in BsAs
Calavera A skull; a wild person
Calla bandoneon Be quite bandoneon
Cambalache The store where one sells stolen goods Pawnshop
Caminito Little path Famous street of the Italian part of BsAs - La Boca
Carnaval de mi barrio Carnaval in my neighborhood
Canción de rango Song of high standing
Canción deseperada Desperate song
Cantando Singing
Cantor de mi barrio Singer of my neighborhood
Cara sucia Dirty face
Caricias Caresses
Carnavalera Woman that likes carnival (mardi gras)
Carrillón de La Merced La Merced Church Carillon (in Chile)
Casas viejas Old Houses
Cascabelito Little jing-a-ling
Charlemos Let's chat/talk
Chau Pinela Bye Pinela
Ché Bandoneón Hey Bandoneón
Chin-Chin Clink-Clink Italian expression for the clinking of glasses as in making a toast
Chingolito (Ya no cantas chingolo) small bird, you don't sing anymore
Chiquilin de Bachin Little guy at Bachin's
Cité Tango City tango
Clavelito en flor Flower In Pink
Clinicas Clinic (clinical resident units for doctors) Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - Honoured the hospital of clinic residence, where the students go after ending his studies, to practice as resident doctors. This building is still located on Avenue Cordoba and Azcuenaga, and although it is a bit underkept, due to shortage of budget, it still holds residents. The ballroom dances were made at several places, not inside the residence hospital. First ballroom was at Palais de Glace. Luis Alposta, a writer of tango lyrics, was also a M.D: and also made his residence at this place , the residents hospital. He recall that it was necessary to present in an entry exam, since there were many graduates and a few vacancies, and the appointed residens acept to work pro bono for a year or two, making the basic tasks as vaccination , working on the laboratories with blood and urine exams , until they were authorized to enter into contact and treat , patients. Also see
Comme il faut As it Should Be
Como dos extraños Like two strangers
Como Se Pianta La Vida How life slips away/How life goes by
Como Te Quiero How I love you
Compadron A low-life fellow
Con Alma y Vida With soul and life
Con Permiso Señorita With your permission Señorita
Conexión portená Buenos Aires connection
Corazón de oro Golden Heart/heart of gold
Cordon de oro Golden Cord
Chorra Thief
Corrientes Y Esmeralda Corrientes Y Esmeralda The corner of Corrientes and Esmeralda intersecting streets in Buenos Aires
Cortate el pelo Cut your hair
Criollita de Mis Suenos Young girl of my dreams Criollita - young girl born in BsAs
Criollo Viejo Buenos Aires man of old (long ago)
Cuando el amor muere
Cuando El Corazón When the heart .....
Cuando esta enamora When she makes me love her
Cuando esta enamorado When I was in love
Cuerpo de alambre Guy with a wiry build
Cuesta Bajo Downhill
Cuidado con los 50 Beware of the 50 pesos (city fine) Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - ...concerning with the famous edict (of the city of buenos aires) that produce the tango "Cuidado con los 50", the police authority forbid male people, to say nice words /piropos, to ladies in the street, if a person was found in the street by a policeman, whispering sweet words to a lady, (he) was fined with 50 pesos.


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Dejame, No Quiero Verte Mas Leave me, I don't wanna see you again From the lyrics see:
Danza De La Moza Donosa Dance Of The Graceful Girl
De Contrapunto
De Mi Barrio From My Neighborhood
De punta a punta of front to back?
De pura cepa The genuine article
Dejame Amarte Anunque Let me love you
Dejame Amarte Aunque Sea Un Dia Let Me Love You Even for Just a Day
Derecho viejo Old Right
Desconsuelo Grief
Desde el alma From the soul
Desde Otros Tiempos From another time
Di mi flor From the flower of my youth
Didi Didi A persons name ??????
Don Juan (1) Don Juan Cabello Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi -

This is another tango that may be confusion with the name. It is considered that the author of the music , el pibe Ponzio / Ponzio the kid, dedicate this tango to Don Juan Cabello, a person of the night , around the year 1900. Although Don Juan Cabello was a person that feel confortable in the atmosphere of the dancing places and entertainments , the "Don" was more a respect title , like the "Esquire" used in England many time ago…Jose Colangelo, one of the pianist of Troilo orchestra, remember that when he start playing at dancing places, with live music orchestras, sometimes there were fights and fistcuffs, so the leader of the orchestra , said to the musicians " Muchachos, Don Juan, bien fuerte y a la parrilla ! / Boys !! Don Juan, play it loudly and with no music sheet, by memory" . This tango apparently have the virtue to put back dancers into the dancing floor , and stop them fighting :)
Don Juan (2) A guy that goes out with many women - a lover of all women
Donde? Where?
Dos corazones Two hearts
Duelo criollo Dagger duel
Dulce Perdón Sweet Pardón


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
El 6 The sixth "El 6°... Baile del Internado",, dedicated to all the interns to commemorate the sixth ball, September 21, 1919. see
El 7 The seventh Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - On the beginning of the XX century, the resident students at the University of Medicine, made a ball room dance each year, to celebrate the end of the term, promotions, etc.etc.. An orchestra was hired for the event , with the condition that it has to present a brand new tango for the event, not played before. When it was the turn of the orchestra of Fresedo, it was the eleventh time that this ballroom have been organized. So Fresedo call his tango " El Once / The eleventh  , to mark it was the eleventh time it was made. A.F.Berto, another composer , call his tango "El 7/ the seventh" since it was the seventh time the ball room took place. The 7th Gran Baile del Internado.
El 8 See El octovo - a song named for the eighth Gran Baile del Internado
El 9 A song named for the ninth Gran Baile del Internado
El 10 See El decimo - a song named for the tenth Gran Baile del Internado
El 11 See El once
El aeroplano The airplane
El alma de un tango The soul of a Tango
El alma que canta The soul that sings
El amanecer The Sunrise
El amanecer The Dawn
El amor no sirve para nada Our love is useless no sirve para nada - to be useless
El apronte Getting ready
El arranque The beginning
El Cachafaz crafty rascal (nickname) a nickname given to Bentio Bianquet (1885-1942) as a guy that does not care about making a good impression when dancing.

Quoting Alberto Paz ( …During the decade of the 30s, the tango was the music of the cabarets. At the Moulin Rouge the orchestra of Pedro Maffia had Pugliese at the piano. This was a favorite place for Rodolfo Bianquet, the famous bailarin the world has come to know as El Cachafaz. The “crafty rascal” as he was known, like many people of the night stopped by at the cabaret after the milongas for a drink. One late night Pugliese asked him, What makes you dance so well? The walking, said El Cachafaz. Only those who lived at the time could relate to the way the tango was danced in place, twisting and turning from the legs to the head. When the dancers moved around the floor, they would accentuate their march with rhythmic patterns. The rhythm was full of modulation, that swing that looks so beautiful in the tango.
El calabozo The Jail
El cencerro The Cowbell
Echame a mi la cupla Blame me or pin it on me
El choclo The corn / nickname of a person with a bit of yellow hair/ male genital Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - Concerning the original tango El choclo, the music was written by Angel Villloldo on 1903 , and it was so popular that sometimes it was confused as Argentina national anthem. About the name that Villoldo gave to the tango, the author said it refers to the corn used for puchero, a popular meal , made in a cauldron, with vegetables and meat with bones. Those days, this food was served in humble dining places, and it was customary to pay for one helping served by the patron of the place, dipping a big spoon inside, and what it takes out , it takes out . The corn used for the puchero, was the most wanted part of this meal. Another version says El choclo/the corn, was the nickname of a compadrito famous , that have the color of the hair a bit yellow, like the corn colour, so this was the reason for the nickname. And a third version says there is a subtle association with the corn and the male pennis , that also receive this nickname . There were also three lyricis, the first one from Villoldo, refer to the corn used in the meal puchero. The second one by Marambio Catan , refer to a compadre , the lyric said " me llaman el choclo compañero / they called me the corn , mate ".  And the third, written by Discepolo many years later for Libertad Lamarque,on 1947,  since she wanted to sing it in a movie .Gran casino, from Luis Buñuel.

From another source: Why "El choclo"? Irene Villoldo, sister of the composer, once explained it to the singer Juan Carlos Marambio Catán. These are her words: «"El choclo" was in fact a tough guy who as well was a pimp that was based in the surroundings of Junín and Lavalle. He was called by that name because of the color of his hair.» The reference is interesting because it denies that phrase about the origin of the title that Francisco García Jiménez fancifully attributed to the composer: "Pa' mi el choclo es lo más rico del puchero." (The ear of corn is the tastier thing of a stew for me) See:
El ciruja The bum
El ciruja The surgeon
El dia que me quieras The day when you will love me
El rmbrollo the mess
El encopao a man who takes too many cups… a drunk
El entrerriano The man from between the rivers
El esquinazo Being stood up
El estagiario The Intern
El firulete The show off see
El flete slang for a fast racehorse
El hipo The hiccup
El internado The intern - resident doctor Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - Honoured the hospital of clinic residence, where the students go after ending his studies, to practice as resident doctors. This building is still located on Avenue Cordoba and Azcuenaga, and although it is a bit underkept, due to shortage of budget, it still holds residents. The ballroom dances were made at several places, not inside the residence hospital. First ballroom was at Palais de Glace. Luis Alposta, a writer of tango lyrics, was also a M.D: and also made his residence at this place , the residents hospital. He recall that it was necessary to present in an entry exam, since there were many graduates and a few vacancies, and the appointed residens acept to work pro bono for a year or two, making the basic tasks as vaccination , working on the laboratories with blood and urine exams , until they were authorized to enter into contact and treat , patients. El internado, marks the end of this ballroom dances. Since as I commented, students make heavy jokes to teachers, and one year, they disguised as burglars and enter into the ballroomn . There was a fire shooting with policemen inside the dancing place, and one student died accidentally. The name El internado/ The resident , was given to remember this fact.Also see
El jagüel The Country Cistern
El jinete The Horseman
El lengue Man scarf
El mago del bandoneon The Wizard of the Bandoneon
El moro The jail guard
El motivo The motive-reason
El olivo The escape In this case 'El Olivo' is an abbreviated reference to the saying 'Tomar el olivo' which is when a bullfighter hides behind a barrier (of which there are several around the bullring) in order to escape from the bull. Presumably it is itself derived from the Latin "extra oleas vagari" which literally means to "wander beyond the olive trees" on account that it was common practice in Roman times to delimit fields by planting olive trees at the boundaries. Thus, someone who went beyond the olive trees was considered to be gone, out of bounds, escaped. In the case of this particular tango, the one who escapes is the tano's girl who leaves him for someone else. I'm curious. The tango is clearly about betrayal but I don't understand where you get the murder part..…. I was struggling to figure out the meaning of the song "El olivo" which I thought meant "The Olive Tree". It turns out that "olivo" means, in this instance, "the escape" or "getaway" and the song is about betrayal and murder! Contributions by Ruddy Zelaya and Richard Lipkin TangoLyrics.
El once The eleven Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - On the beginning of the XX century, the resident students at the University of Medicine, made a ball room dance each year, to celebrate the end of the term, promotions, etc.etc.. An orchestra was hired for the event , with the condition that it has to present a brand new tango for the event, not played before. When it was the turn of the orchestra of Fresedo, it was the eleventh time that this ballroom have been organized. So Fresedo call his tango " El Once / The eleventh  , to mark it was the eleventh time it was made.
El penado catorce The 14th inmate
El pial
El opio The bore
El porteno A guy from the port of Buenos Aires a person born in Buenos Aires
El Punalada The stabbing
El purrete The kid
El Quinteto Real The magnificent five
El Ramate the auction
El rapido The fast
El rodeo the rodeo
El taita The tough guy
El talento The talent
El tamango The boot
El tío soltero The single uncle
El torito the little bull
El trovero
El ultimo adios The Last Good-bye
El vals soñador The dreaming vals-waltz
El vitroleros The Tango DJ The player of records made of vitro - wax
El Yacare a jockey called “Yacare"
Ella She
Ella es asi That's how she is
El Rey The King
En carne propia In the flesh?
En esta tarde gris This darkened afternoon
Ensuenos In a dream
Entre suenos In between dreams
Entre Copa y Copa between drinks
La Envidia The envy
Envidia Envy
En voz baja whispering
Esas chicas se Quieren Casar all those girls love to marry
Esquinas Portenas dockside street-corners
Esta noche It's tonight
Esta noche me emborracho I'm going to get me drunk tonight
Esta noche en Buenos Aires Tonight in Buenos Aires
Expression Campera country expression


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Farol Streetlamp
Firulete Adornments
Flor de Fango Mud-Flower
Flor de lino Linenseed oil
Flores del alma Flowers from the soul
Flores Negra Black Flowers
Fuegos Articiales Fireworks
Fueye Bellows slang for the bandoneon
Fuimos We were
Fumando Espero Smoking I wait see:


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Gallo Ciego Blind Rooster blinded in a cock fight
Garganta con arena Throat of sand Referring to a singers throat
Gloria Glory
Guapeando Hanging tough
Guardia Vieja Old Style
Griseta/grisette seamstresses/working women Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - with contribution from Jose Gobello, the president of the academia de lunfardo. Griseta (Spanish for the French grisette) was the name given to the seamstresses and working women because of a certain gray color in the cloth stamped with flowers of their dresses. "But those girls -says José Gobello- may have been loose enough, because in the nineteenth century the young bourgeois women that easily allowed men to court them were called grisettes". Just like the protagonist of the tango.


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Historia Maleva Delinquent Story
Honda Tristeza Deep Sadness
Horizontes Horizons
Hotel Victoria Victory hotel
Humillacion Shame


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Ilusion De Me Vida illusion gives me life


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Joaquina A woman's name
José ‘El Cuchiyero’ Joe the fighter (always carryng knives)
Jueves Thursday


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
La abandone y no sabia I left her and I had no idea
La bicicleta The bicycle
La cancion del pirata The pirates song
La caterera The bed
La cautiva The captive
La clavada The dive
La Copa Del Olvido
La Copla Portenda The verse from the past
La Cumparsita The little parade Possibly from the lunfardo expression cumparsa denoting a group of people who attends carnival , sometimes wearing masks
La llamo silbando I call her by whistling
La luciernaga The Firefly
La maleva The Mean
La mariposa the butterfly
La melodía de nuestro adiós The melody of our good bye
La musa mistonga The muse of the poor
La paloma The dove
La pasión del escolazo The passion for gambling
La payanca (1) Lacing the legs - The lassoer of the legs Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - An earlier, perhaps original, definition of the song title La Payanca is related to the word 'pialar' defined as a technique to catch a animal by it's front legs with a lasso, so that the animal can be branded, vaccinated etc. … the pialador / the gaucho expert in the use of lasso to catch animals/, keeps a position close to the floor, with his lasso set, and with a few rounds of the rope on the floor, and mades the "payanca/lacing technique": it throws the lasso to the floor just when the animal is running in front of him, to the front legs, and then holds the lasso to catch the rear legs. Alberto does not suggest an exact definition.
La payanca (2) nickname of a whorehouse girl ...there is also a third story revealed by Enrique Ricardo del Valle: «According to some people, Payanca was the nickname of a whorehouse girl». The anonymous line that was applied to the tango seems to support this version: "Payanca, Payanquita, / don't you hurry, / 'cause when I'm screwin' you / I want it to last long." Quote from
La puñalada The stab of the knife
Largas las penas Delivers ones grief/pain
La rayuela Hopscotch
La rosarina A woman from Rosario
La sonámbula The sleepwalker
La tablada The slaughterhouse
La tormenta The storm
La trampera The cheating women
La tupungatina A girl from Tupungato (Mendoza)
La ültima curda The last drink of the night See: TANGO art history of love, p164.
La vida es una milonga Life is a milonga
La yapa The last drink Yapa is a Spanish word from South America in Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina that means “a little something extra”. "Playing gigs, El Negro Casimiro used La Yapa to signal the last dance of the night", which was also the chance to get a drink before closing.Ref: TANGO art history of love, p177.
La yumba The dance
La zandunga
Lágrimas y sonrisas Tears and smiles
Las cuarenta Forty truths
Late un corazón The beat of the heart
Lejos de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires of Faraway
Libertad Freedom
Llorar por una mujer To cry for a woman To cry over a women
Lo pasao The Walk
Lo pasao paso The past has passed away
Lo que verdá What's coming next
Lorenzo named after bandoneonist Lorenzo Labissier Quoting

...At the same time, with the addition of the bandoneonist Lorenzo Labissier (according to some researchers) they appeared from Monday to Friday at the café “El Estribo”. For others, Labissier, joined the group in both places. Greco regarded him as his alumnus and to him he dedicated his tango “Lorenzo”.
Los Doce the 12th tango
Los ejes de mi carreta The axes of my wagon wheels
Los Mareados Dizzy
Los ojos de mi moza My girl's eyes


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Madame Yvonne a women named Yvonne
Madreselva Honeysuckle
Mala junta Bad crowd Bad company
Mala suerte Bad luck
Malandraca Little rascal child refering to Pugliese's daughter Beba Pugliese
Mediodia Noon
Malena Malena Womens name
Mañana zarpa un barco Tomorrow a ship weighs anchor
Mano a mano Working together
Marrón y azul Maroon and blue
Mascarón de Proa Figurehead
Matasanos Killer medicine doctor On the beginning of the XX century, the resident students at the University of Medicine, made a ball room dance each year, to celebrate the end of the term, promotions, etc.etc.. An orchestra was hired for the event , with the condition that it has to present a brand new tango for the event, not played before. When it was the turn of the orchestra of Fresedo, it was the eleventh time that this ballroom have been organized. So Fresedo call his tango " El Once / The eleventh  , to mark it was the eleventh time it was made. Another musician , Canaro, named his tango "Matasanos/killer medicine doctor " for the first ball room of the resident students on 1914.
Melodia de Arrabal Melody Of The Outskirts From the song lyrics
Mendocina A girl from Mendoza
Mentias you lied
Me gusta un tango así That's the way I like a Tango
Mi Muñequita My little doll
Mi noche alegre My happy night
Mi Noche Triste My Sad Night The story goes that sometime in 1917 Gardel was approached in Montevideo by a street poet who had a penchant for writing risky lyrics to existing tango music. Gardel loved what Pascual Contursi had written for a tango named Lita composed by Samuel Castriota. In private gatherings he was amused at Contursi's clever use of lunfardo expressions to describe the sappy tale of a pimp in love who laid awake at night hoping for the return of his former whore.

It began with, "Percanta que me amuraste, en lo mejor de mi vida..." (Woman who left me at the best moment of my life) and ended with, "Porque tu luz no ha querido, mi noche triste alumbrar..." Because your light (talking to a lamp in the room) has not wanted to illuminate my sad night." And those three last words, MI NOCHE TRISTE, became the title of the first and foremost tango lyrics, setting the stage for a rich chapter in the glorious book of tango history. From :
Mi taza de café My cup of black coffee
Michelangelo 70 A San Telmo nightclub in the 1970's
Milagro Miracle
Milonga casi candombe Milonga that's almost candombe
Milonga Compadre Friendly dance
Milonga de la noche Nighttime Milonga
Milonga de mis amores Dance of my many loves
Milonga Del 900 Dance of the nine hundreds (1900's)
Milonga del ángel Angel's dance
Milonga del diablo Dance of the devil
Milonga del mayoral Dance of the foreman
Milonga del recuerdo Dance of remembrance
Milonga del tiempo heroico Dance of heroic times
Milonga del traspie Stumbling step dance
Milonga del trovador Troubador Dane
Milonga fina Fine dance hall with women
Milonga Orillera Dance from the edge of BsAs
Milonga para una niña Dance for one little girl
Milonga querida Sweetheart dance
Milonga Triste A sad dance
Milonga A dance
Milongueando en el 40 A milonguero hanging out in the 1940's
Milonguero Viejo Older man interested in Tango dance
Misterio! Mystery
Motivio de Vals waltz reason
Mujer Sola Lonely Woman
Mundo para dos For two worlds ???


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
9 Puntos Full speed ahead The translation could be roughly "Nine points on the scale", since the old electric tranways used a comand knob, that have a scale of 9 points , the position nine was full speed. Francisco Canaro, that was a newspaper vendor on the street, called his tango with this name, to remember the times when he have to run the tranways to get into the wagon and sell the newspapers to the passengers.
Naná Nothing
Naranjo en flor The orange tree in bloom
Negracha Women of color
Negro el Veinte Number 20, black
Ni el dinero ni nadie Neither Money or Anyone
Nido Gaucho home of the gaucho (nest)
Niebla Del Riachuelo Fog of the Riachuelo harbor
Nieve de Amor Snow of Love
No Cantes Victoria Don't claim victory
No Me Extrana It Doesn't Surprise Me
No Me Importa Su Amor You love is not important to me
No Te Aguanto Mas I can't stand you anymore
No pudo ser It couldn't be
No vuelvas Maria Don't come back Maria Not again Maria
Noche Calurosa Hot night
Noche De Estrellas night of stars
Noche de reyes King's night
Nochero soy I'm a night person
Noches de amor Night's of love
Noches de Buenos Aires Nights in Buenos Aires
Noches de frío cold nights
Nunca es tarde It's never too late
NP No Place/ loser (nickname) win,show,place, NP No Place, this horse is a nag/loser


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Oiga Mozo listen boy
Oigo tu voz I hear your voice
Ojos negros que fascinan Black eyes that begulle black eyes that fascinate/fascinating dark eyes
Ojos tristes Sad Eyes
Ondas Sonoras Lit: sonic waves
Orillas Del Plata Dancer of the Rio Plata region ( margins of BsAs )
Organito De La Tarde afternoon organ grinder
Otra Luna Other Moon ?


Pensalo muchacho
Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Pabellón De Las Rosas Pavilion of the roses
Paciencia Have patience
Pajaro ciego Blind bird
Palabras de Horacio Cabarcos Words of Horacio Cabarcos
Palomita Mia My pigeon (dove)
Paloma querida My dear pigeon
Palomita Blanca little white dove (pigeon?)
Pampa pampa (no translation) A women from the pampas highlands of Bs
Pampero person that lives in the argentine pampas
Pato Poor the literal translation of this Tango title is Duck (fowl), but the song title is most likely lunfardo slang for poor. see
Patotero sentimental Sentimental gangster
Payadora Itinerant singer
Pebetita Little gal
Pedacito De Cielo little piece of heaven (sky?)
Pena mulata The pain of a mulatto (black) women
Pensalo bien Think it over well
Think it you boy
Pero Yo Se But I know
Pirincho A bird with a tuft
Plegaria Prayer
Pobre sonador New dreamer
Poema Poem
Porque? Why?
Porque si Just because
Proteno suba y diga Super, come up and stay
Porteno y Bailarin A local BsAs man and a dancer
Pregonera Town crier
Prepárense Get ready for it
Pues Quien Lo Tiene
Pura Clase Pure class


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Quien mas… quien menos Someone more…someone less/Who more…who less  ...the tango is about the human condition... about a man meeting

a childhood girlfriend in a cabaret and his reflection on their life. Writing in, Ruddy Zelaya translates the song title to "who more…who less" and Alberto Gesualdi translates the song title to "someone more…someone less."

Que Es Lo Que Tiene La Fulana What's the matter with the tart?
Que Lejos Que Estoy How far away I am!
Que polvo con tanto viento What a dust with this windy weather Paraphrasing Alberto Gesualdi - Speaking of the tango Don Juan, el pibe Ponzio (Ponzio the kid) borrowed part of the melody from an older tango composed by a musician named Quijano, instrumental, called "Que polvo con tanto viento !/What a dust with this windy weather ! , that was being played since 1890, with good acceptation from the audience…, Que polvo con tanto viento, as I said, there were some titles with double meaning , in this case "polvo/dust" is also a way to refer to the ejaculation of semen of men , on the sexual act.
Que te importa que te llore What is it to you that I'm crying
Quien te ve who sees you
Quiero verte una vez mas I want to see you once again


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Ra Fa Si re fa si musical notes
Rawson the name of a hospital inmate As he told the press team of Emergency Services, "in the first decades of the last century, covering a 10-year cycle that begins on September 21, 1914 and ends on the same day in 1924, were held in Buenos Aires organized by the advanced students of Medicine residents in the hospitals of Buenos Aires-boarding Dances. " Apparently, each of these tangos were known at the time, many of which persist to this day as "Rawson" (dedicated by Eduardo Arolas inmates of that hospital), "The Eleven, have fun" (that Osvaldo Fresedo improvised at the 11th annual celebration of the feast) or "Matasano" (premiered by Francisco Canaro in the first edition of the dance, dedicated to the inmates of the hospital Durand).
Recien Only now
Recuerdo Fond memory Quoting Alberto Paz ( …A few years later, a bookie named Torcuato, his cousins Amadeo, Domingo, Alfredo and Rogelio, who used to hang out in La Chancha, made their way to the nearby Cafe ABC. They wanted to listen to a kid they hung around with in La Chancha when he began to play there at the age of fourteen. Do you remember us Osvaldo?, they greeted him. Osvaldo remembered his friends. He also remembered when after eight hours of studying at the conservatory, he amused himself playing tunes he had written. His dad and his brother would drop by in the late evenings. His dad would ask, play THAT tango. It was a tango he had started composing on a tramway ride to the piano academy a few years back. He finally completed in 1924. Until that night at Cafe ABC, THAT was how the tango was known as. What’s the name of THAT tango? they asked. It does not have a name, Pugliese said, I’ll call it Recuerdo and I’ll dedicate it to you guys.
Recuerdos De Paris Memories of Paris
Recordando Lo Pasado
Recuerdo malevo
Refugio De Amor You Are My Home
Reflejos De Luna
Reliquias porteñas Things left over from old Buenos Aires
Remembranza Remembrance
Remolino Whirlwind
Reina De Saba
Risa loca Crazed laughter
Rodriguez Pena name of a dance hall A street in Buenos Aires
Romance de barrio Neighborhood romamce
Rondando Tu Esquina
Rosas De Otono Autumn Roses
Rubias de New York New York Blondes


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Sábado Saturday
Sábado Inglés English Saturday
Sacale punta Sharpen it Point taken ??
Salud dinero y amor
Se dice de mi It's said about me
Se pianta la vida How Life Slips Away
Señora Princesa Mrs. Princess
Sentimiento Gaucho gaucho feeling (gaucho is the cowboy of the pampas)
Shusheta a dandy, a dude, a fop Lunfardo term
Siempre Siempre Always
Siempre Te Recuerdo Remember Always
Silueta Porteña Silhouette of a Poteña girl
Sin palabras Words seem unnecessary - without a word
Soledad Loneliness
Sollozos to cry small cries in a convulsive way
Sonar y Nada Mas To do nothing but dream
Sonemos Let's dream on
Sonsa Stupid Girl
S.O.S Save Our Soul the lyrics suggest, See:
Soy El Cantor De La Orquesta I am the singer of the Orchestra
Su majestad el tango His majesty the tango
Sueño Azul Blue dreams
Sueño De Muñeca The dreaming doll
Sueño Florido Flowery dream
Suerte Loca Crazy Luck


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
T.B.C. I kissed you TBC sounds like Te besé
Taconeando Heel stomping
Tango Argentino Tango Argentino
Tango del balaneco Rocking Tango
Tango del eco Echoing tango
Tangón A new dance a big tango
Tanguero de Ley
Taquito militar Military snap - strong heel stamp
Te aconsejo que me olvides I suggest that you forget me
Te Acordás Aquella Noche?
Te Quiero Ver Escopeta
Telón Theater Curtian
Temblando Trembling
Tengo miedo I'm afraid
Tierra querida Beloved land
Toda mi vida The whole of my life
Tomala con soda I drink it with soda
Tomo y Obligo I drink and I invite
Tormenta En El Alma
Traiga otra cana line up another shot
Trasnochando a night watcher Up all hours ; one who goes to bed late or not at all
Tres esperanzas Three basic hopes
Tres esquinas Three corners
Tres minutos con la realidad Three minutes with Reality
Triste Payaso Sad Clown
Tristezas de un doble A Tristesse on a Vintage Bandoneón
Triunfal Triumphal entry
Tu Olvido
Tus besos fueron mios your kisses were mine
Tus ojos Your eyes


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Un guapo del 900 A tough guy of 1900
Un Momento One minute!
Un pasaje de mi vida A period of my life
Un Tango Y Nada Mas One tango and no more!
Un tropezón A moment of stumbling
Una Emoción One emotion
Una lágrima tuya A tear from your eyes
Una noche de garufa A night on the town
Union Civica name of a political party


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Valsecito criollo small waltz (vals) born in Argentina
Vanidad Vanity
Verdemar Verdemar Persons name
Via mía My Darling
Viborita Little serpent
Vibraciones del alma Vibrations of the soul
Vida mía My Life
Vieja amiga Old Friend
Vieja calesita Old Carousel see: TANGO and the art history of love, p165.
Vieja loca Crazy Old Women
Vieja luna old moon
Volver Return
Vuelvo al Sur I return to the South


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Y No Pueda Ser It couldn't be ...
Yira Yira Crusin, Crusin
Yo No Se Llorar I don't know how to cry
Yo No Se Porque Te Quiero I don't know how to be loved
Yo Soy De San Telmo I am of San Telmo a barrio in BsAs
Yo soy el tango I am the Tango
Yo Tambein Sóne I have dreamed too
Yuyo brujo Witches brew
Yuyo verde Greener grass


Tango Song Title English Translation Comments Song Information
Z Club A dance hall club in BsAs in the 1900's