Tango.info track tagger format string

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The tango.info tagger since 1.3.2 (work in progress) accepts a format string for the output.

The format string can be set via the input field or via url, e.g.:


  • %disc_tqty% number of tracks in disc (count in tracks table, CURRENTLY THIS IS NOT THE MAX OF TRACK NUMBER)
  • %album_tqty% number of tracks in album (count in tracks table)
  • %album_dqty% number of discs in album (max value for album_side in tracks table)

Aliases exist see below. For work on tags or wishes see TIS tags.

Available variables can be seen below, all strings in the form %<variable_name>% are variables, e.g. %tin% gives the TINP.

%date% is the raw format as defined in tango.info track date, %year% the year if known.


//======= output formatting ============


//===product specific===

	$sf["%album artist%"]=$t["product_artist"];

	$sf["%album collection%"]=$t["product_collection"];


//===side specific===

//===track specific===
$sf["%artist_vocmarker_off%"]=str_replace(", voc. ", ", ",$t["track_artists"]);


//===performance specific===


V1.3.2 (https://tango.info/tools/tagger1.3.2.php)

%year% failure

  • %year% can fail, returning a null string instead of the year value e.g. track page shows year 1941:


but using format string %year%, tagger tag list shows null:


This did not happen on a track the date of which had month and day.

  • Null output from a field (such as caused by the %year% failure reported separately) can cause a missing tag list line, leading to misaligment of tag lines v. tracks and hence to severe mistagging. E.g.


This did not happen where the track line generated other output e.g. from format string %year%; .

  • Tag list and Process message: are on the same line, as if a line break was missing.
