Tango.info 78 rpm

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  1. 2011-01 Record label images received from Tiempos Viejos Collectibles
  2. 2011-03 Ca. 7000 images available in tango.info.
  3. 2011-03-23 Meta data updated for A. D'Agostino http://www.tango.info/?q=02480002720
  4. 2011-03-23 Meta data updated for A. Vargas http://www.tango.info/?q=02480002721
  5. 2011-03-26 Meta data updated for Francisco Lomuto http://www.tango.info/?q=02480002713


To see all 3522 records use http://www.tango.info/?q=024800027

A smaller set of ca 550: http://www.tango.info/?q=0248000271

If you click on an info link you get larger images, 300x300px

The accompanying info has lots of gaps and more work is needed to integrate the data from http://stores.ebay.com/Tiempos-Viejos-Vintage-Records into the tango.info structure.

Two links:

more artist ranges at TINO#02480002