Tango.info music performance

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Definition of "performance" in tango.info, related to https://tango.info/performances

Each performance entry corresponds to a group of tracks that have the same

WARNING: This causes two entries with same title and artist and absent date to be conflated to a single performance, despite that they may refer to performances that are on different dates and hence distinct.

orchestra and vocalist are sometimes combined into artist or performer, one could then speak of the title-performer-date triplet.

In cases of triplet-equal music performances the triplet is not enough to identify a performance. Additional information to ID a single performance then may be:

  • Matrix number
  • More precise time of performance
  • An example audio track, or a reference to such, e.g. a TINT

NOTE: By this definition, a performance entry can include,multiple performances, e.g. in one case of two Canaro performances recorded with same orch/vocalist on same day (detail needed). Suggested solution: disambiguate such performances by including an arbitrary sequence number. Chrisjjj 21:17, 8 April 2011 (UTC)

Other meanings of performance

General English definitions:


  • 1) "a musical, ..., or other entertainment presented before an audience."
  • 2+6) the act of performing.


  • 5) to render (music), as by playing or singing.
  • 11) to perform music. [perform explained with perform]

The usual English would also include non-music performances.

If there is a duet singing, these could be regarded as two performances, ending up on one track.

And then, there can be performances from diff points in time mixed together, see Gardel playback and Canaro playback.

See also