Tango.info musical work code

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Revision as of 2012-04-06T02:29:21 by Tobiasco (talk | contribs) (→‎Statistics based on track data: * 2012-04-06: 42,341 | 2,947 | (2,670 ISWC, 2,508 T037))
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A tango.info musical work code (TIWC) is a tango.info code that identifies a tango.info musical work.

TIWC can start with the letter T or with the letter Z.

  • TIWC that start with the letter T are ISWC.
  • TIWC that start with Z are not ISWC.
    • TIWC that start with the Z000 contain the SADAIC work number, e.g. the TIWC Z0000015621 contains the SADAIC work number 15621.
    • TIWC that start with Z but do not start with Z000 start with Z0999.

TIWC that start with the letter Z are not stable.


As of 2011-12-29 the old TIWC 6-char codes have been withdrawn.

Statistics based on track data

Query A

FROM  `tango_tracks` 
WHERE  `work_id` 
REGEXP  '[TZ]{1}[0-9]{10}'
AND  `product_tin` 
REGEXP  '[0-9]{14}'

Query B

FROM  `tango_tracks`
WHERE  `work_id` REGEXP  '[TZ]{1}[0-9]{10}'
AND `product_tin` REGEXP  '[0-9]{14}'

date: Result A | Result B | other

  • 2012-03-08: 34,583 | 2,102
  • 2012-03-15: 37,139 | 2,318
  • 2012-03-17: 40,051 | 2,644
  • 2012-03-20: 41,135 | 2,759 | (2,503 ISWC, 2,361 T037)
  • 2012-03-25: 42,097 | 2,905 | (2,632 ISWC, 2,474 T037)
  • 2012-04-06: 42,341 | 2,947 | (2,670 ISWC, 2,508 T037)