Sansa m250 DAP

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The Sansa m250 DAP is a low-cost solid-state digital music player.


  • 2Gb of storage
  • MSC (UMS) and MTP modes, selectable by system config setting.
  • Playback supports 320kbps MP3


  • Only one playlist can be created on the device. This is called Favourites.
  • Favourites can hold a maximum of 30 tracks.
  • Favourites can hold only one instance of any track.


  • V2.0GR, V4.1.07E Playback often output a spurious short burst of track material at the start of each track play.
  • V2.0GR, V4.1.07E Device fails to display any tag containing an accented character, possibly any non-ASCII character.
    • In the case of track title, the device displays the filename instead.