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***[[Sabah Chammas]]
***[[Sabah Chammas]]
***[[Tom Stermitz]] T4-T4-V4-T4-T4-M3 , A longer evening: T5-T5-V4-T5-T5-M3, a house party: T3-V3-T3-T3-M2 (approximately)
***[[Tom Stermitz]] T4-T4-V4-T4-T4-M3 , A longer evening: T5-T5-V4-T5-T5-M3, a house party: T3-V3-T3-T3-M2 (approximately)
** unknowkn length
** unknowkn length (review at another time)
*** [[Stephen Brown]] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TangoDJ/message/4826
*** [[Stephen Brown]] : DJing at local milongas, I always play cortinas and mostly adhere to the cycle T4-T4-V3-4-T4-T4-M3. The length of the vals tanda depends on how many good valses fit with the sound of the tanda. For festivals, I always play cortinas and use tandas of 4 for valses and milongas; T4, T4, V4, T4, T4, M4. For a tanda of tango fusion or electro tango, I usually play T3 because the individual pieces of music are longer.
*** [[Dubravko Kakarigi]] : I also use the T-T-M-T-T-V format with varied number of songs per tanda. I mostly aim at tango tandas of around 10-11 min and M&V tandas with at most three songs/tanda.
*** [[Dubravko Kakarigi]] : I also use the T-T-M-T-T-V format with varied number of songs per tanda. I mostly aim at tango tandas of around 10-11 min and M&V tandas with at most three songs/tanda.

Revision as of 2008-06-02T21:43:55


A tanda is a set of pieces of music, usually between three or five, that is played during a milonga. Most common the music is a tango, a milonga or a vals. Between two tandas a cortina might be played.

One way of arranging the music could be like the following:

  1. four tangos - cortina
  2. three milongas - cortina
  3. four tangos - cortina
  4. three vals - cortina

This could be notated as T4-M3-T4-V3.

Tandas can be arranged by orchestra, by lyrics, by time of recording, by "feel" of the music. In a tanda of tango it is common to play only music of one orchestra.

Sometimes also non-tango tandas are played, like Rock n roll, Cumbia, Chacarera.


  • T-T-M-T-T-V
  • T-M-T-V
    • T5-M3-T5-V3
      • Miguel Jahnel in Germany without cortinas but when I see that the dancer wants more tangos I change the structure to T6-M3-T6-V3 without cortinas. In BsAs T4-T4-M4-T4-T4-V4
    • T4-V3-T4-M3
      • Tine Herreman - I use 4T-3V-4T-3M the first hour to prime the party, then I add an additional 4T in there for the bulk of the evening (doing either 4T-4T-3V-4T-3M or 4T-3V-4T-4T-3M ), and I end up the last hour doing 4T-4T-3V-4T-4T-3M.
  • T-T-T-M-T-V reported at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TangoDJ/message/4588
