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Tue, 2 May 2006 00:58:11 +0200

Dear Tango Festival Organizer

www.tangofestivals.net is a new and the first website trying to collect
comprehensive information about all tangofestivals worldwide. I know this
sounds ambitious, and it is only possible with your support!

The idea is based on distribution and self-service: You can as organizer
create a user account and put in as much or as little information about your
event as you like. If everybody does that, tango addicts all over the world
will have to go only to one place to find every information about
tangofestivals their heart desires, and it will be much easier to decide
where to go. Also, in the near future, communication between dancers will be
possible in various forms as well as finding dance partners, getting a ride,
giving each other tips, commenting on activities etc.

As only you as the organizer has the latest information about your event,
the information on the site will always stay current and be up to date. To
make this easy, serious effort has been put into the system for editing
activities and once your account has been created and validated, you can
start inserting and editing events right away.

To start and create an account, you only have to go to
www.tangofestivals.net, click on the "new user" link to the left and choose
a username, email, password, and write your name. You automatically receive
a confirmation mail with a validation link. Once the validation link is
clicked and your email is validated, you will have acces to the editing
facilities right away -  but only if you use the email address where this
email was sent to in the registration form, because then you are already
authorized in the system(*). Please see below how to add and edit events.

If you find your event is already in the system, it is probably marked as
"public", and you can take over the event - see below how.

It is my hope that you will support the idea and that this information is
sufficient to get started. You are always welcome to write an email or call
me directly if you have any questions. Also, I ask you to be forgiving when
you encounter bugs. I promise to correct them as fast as possible. At this
stage there are inevitably bugs and corrections to be made, and I appreciate
every feedback about problems on the website. Especially the user-dialogs
are difficult to test as users tend to do things, I had no idea were
possible. Also, please note that some of the information, you put in now is
not shown yet (like travel information), but it will be later, so it is not
a waste to put it in. At this point the website is like a new-born baby and
has to learn a lot. When everything works smoothly and you have started
adding and editing your events with little effort, I will be able to
concentrate on additional ways of viewing, searching and communicating
everything - utilizing the vast possibilities of the internet!

Thomas Zelikman

mail: webmaster@tangofestivals.net
Tel. +45 46 928 982 ( IP telephone number in Denmark, so may be free from
your country if it's an IP-to-IP call)