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B. DaeJon

1. Azucar

Web: http://www.azucar.co.kr/ Ms. Lee, in kyoung(Fish=pez), fishlove0@hotmail.com/019-415-0563 - 5,000

Azucar located in Taejun. Adress is Taejon city, Yuseong-gu, Gung- dong, 418-2(B)Azucar is a latin bar, plays tango on Wedensday and Sunday, plays swing on thursday, and salsa for other days. Every Wedensday from 7:30pm free tango lesson.

Every Sunday tango Milonga, door opens at 3pm for 'practica'. 1th,3th,5th sunday milonga by Fish. 2th,4th sunday milonga by Raputa.

All other day open at 7:30pm. tel. 042)824-9984

2. La Boom Secret garden 010-7607-0822 3. Siesta(Monday) http://cafe.daum.net/siestaarthall 서구 둔산동 1054

B. DaeJon Azucar Web: http://www.azucar.co.kr/ Ms. Lee, in kyoung(Fish=pez), fishlove0@hotmail.com/019-415-0563 - 5,000

Azucar located in Taejun. Adress is Taejon city, Yuseong-gu, Gung-dong, 418-2(B)Azucar is a latin bar, plays tango on Wedensday and Sunday, plays swing on thursday, and salsa for other days. Every Wedensday from 7:30pm free tango lesson.

Every Sunday tango Milonga, door opens at 3pm for 'practica'. 1th,3th,5th sunday milonga by Fish. 2th,4th sunday milonga by Raputa.

All other day open at 7:30pm. tel. 042)824-9984

3. Siesta http://cafe.daum.net/siestaarthall 1054 Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejon City서구 둔산동 1054 Tangueria del Buen Ayre http://www.tangoseduction.co.kr/ (Website in English)