2012-03-09--10 deberhs001 Carlos Quilici live im Haus der Sinne zur Tangobar

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Freitag den 9.3.12 an 21:30 Uhr im Haus der Sinne, Ystader Str.10

Tangobar live:

Carlos Quilici ( Bandoneon)

Native of Arroyo Seco (Santa Fe) based in Rosario, Argentina. Bandoneon player, arranger, composer and teacher in the field of tango. It features, among other formations: bandoneon soloist, duo of bandoneon and guitar with Martín Tessa or Javier Fioramonti, and quintet, as a bandoneon player, director and arranger of "Los Tauras". This year has also has created his own tango orchestra. He has toured many countries and he has recorded four CDs with "Los Tauras" and participated in many others.


DJ Roland

Eintritt 8,-

Davor Tango-Practica 19h Anfänger (6,-) 20h Fortgeschrittene (8,-) (inkl. Milonga jeweils 13,- wg. Livemusik)