2011-06-09--30 DEBER Ladies Technique 4 week June Intensive with Liesl

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Ladies Technique - Level II - 4 x 1.5 hours June Intensive

This class is designed for more experienced dancers, or those who have completed the Level I course. The aim of this 4 week intensive is to create awareness of both the ‘passive’ and ‘active’ roles we play as the female/following role in tango. In this course we will:

  • deepen our knowledge of how to use the impulses of movement to allow boleos, as well as added ‘elements’ that respond to the lead, music and space.
  • develop a repertoire of movements ‘adornments’ that will personalise our dance and express musicality, while maintaining the connection with our partner.
  • look at the differences between close and open embrace and how our movement is affected

Along with more intensive stretching, detailed footwork and bodywork! This class is restricted to 8 people so as to maintain a high level of individual attention, no partner required.

Dates: Thursdays 9, 16, 23, 30 June.

Time: 18:30 – 20:00

Location: Humboldshain. Please inscribe for exact location.

Cost: 60 euro / 55 reduced for the course.
