2011-05-07--08 DEBER Workshops in May with Liesl and Federico

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May Weekend Workshops with Liesl & Federico

Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th May

Contemporary Ideas for Social Tango - 15:00 - 16:30

Exercises and games for finding more connection and possibilities within the dance couple. We will be working with awareness, of our own body and its potential, and then apply it to social dance movements, sequences and combinations.

Colgadas & Colgaditas - 16:45 - 18:15

Confidence, Techniques to get clear out of axis positions and to use the weight to create interesting dynamics in your dance.  We will look at sequences in close and open embrace and variations, circular & lineal. This workshop is also suitable for those new to colgadas.

Cost: 40 euro per person / 35 reduced

Location: Humboldthain. Details on inscription.

Dates: Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th May.

Inscription & questions: lieslyfederico @ googlemail . com
