2011-05-05--26 DEBER Workshop Ladies Technique 4 week May Intensive with Liesl

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Ladies Technique 4-week May Intensive with Liesl - Level I

This class is a chance to work with a small group of woman on the nitty gritty details of tango! As well as working straight tango exercises for caminos, ochos, giros, boleos, ganchos and the rest.. we will be combining techniques and exercises from other disciplines to gain better flexibility, sensitivity co-ordination and strength. There will be some devoted time to our footwork: better alignment of the feet for balance, elegance and adornments.

This class is restricted to 8 people, no partner required, please contact me to enroll or with any questions.

Dates: Thursdays 5,12,19,26 May

Location: Humboldthain. Details on inscription

Cost: 60 euro per person / 55 reduced

Inscription & questions: lieslyfederico@googlemail.com
