2011-02-12--13 DEBER Workshops with Liesl and Federico - Giros - Ganchos

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february 12th & 13th 2012

***Giros, paradas & barridas*** - All Levels

In this workshop we will concentrate on one of the most important structures in tango, the Giro or ‘turn’ and use it as the foundation of this workshop. Adding to the Giro: Paradas and Barridas, for both the leader and follower.

Paradas: Interruption and changing the direction of giro of the woman by taking one of her feet, this traditional element has many variations and possibilities.

Barridas: The foot of the man leads the foot of the woman in a sweeping kind of movement. It also could have the effect that the woman leads the foot of the man.

We will discover concepts, techniques and different combinations & sequences using these movements. This workshop is suitable for those new to tango – but also those with more experience wishing to revise and master these important skills.

Time: 13: 30 – 15:00, february 12th & 13th 2012

Cost: 40 euro (35 reduced) per person

Location: Tango Sessions Studio - Humboldthain. Please inscribe for directions.

Inscription and questions: lieslyfederico @ googlemail.com

***ganchos! technique, connection & exploring dynamics*** All levels

We explore what is involved in the different types of ‘ganchos’ (internal, external & back ganchos). This workshop will focus on how to lead, how to follow – and get smooth, connected results with fun sequences that you can use in close and open embrace. This workshop is also suitable for those taking their first steps in ganchos… or those with more experience wanting to gain better understanding, co-ordination and confidence.

Time: 15: 15 – 16:45, february 12th & 13th 2012

Cost: 40 euro (35 reduced) per person

Location: Tango Sessions Studio, Humboldthain. Please inscribe for directions

Inscription and questions: lieslyfederico@googlemail.com
