2010-06-05--06 DEBER Workshops in June with Liesl and Federico - Zwischenraum - Mitte

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June Workshops with Liesl & Federico


Saturday & Sunday from 15 - 16.30 Uhr -  Fundamentals of Tango! Absolute Beginners

Here we will introduce the concepts of leading and following, how to improvise with lines & circles and most importantly connect with the music and your dance partner.  This class is for everyone who wants to learn tango, or revise this important information - even those with two left feet! (Please note: if you don't have a partner and wish to do this workshop please go to our 'partner search' page and post a notice)

Saturday & Sunday from 16.45 - 18.30 Uhr - Tango Milonguero - Inter & Advanced

This class will focus on sequences and techniques for close embrace, different styles of caminatas (walks) and adornos for the women.  Everything you need to enjoy a night in a crowded milonga...with elegance and musicality!

Cost: 1 workshop 25 euro (20 reduced) / both workshops 40 euro (35 reduced)

Location: Zwischenraum, Seydelstr. 7 10117, Mitte  (U2 Spittelmarkt)  www.zwischenraum-berlin.de

Inscription and questions: lieslyfederico@googlemail.com
