2010-05-01--02 DEBER Workshops in May with Liesl and Federico - Zwischenraum - Mitte

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May Workshops with Liesl & Federico


Saturday & Sunday from 15 – 16.30 Uhr –  Changing Levels and Dynamics - Early Intemediate & Above

For early intermediate and above levels –  & anyone who wants to enrich their dance ! This class we find the ‘added extras’ that allow better interpretation of the music and add light and shade to your movements.  Not only for the leaders…we will look at techniques and step combinations that heighten the creative possibilities.  Rather than just doing the step – changing levels and dynamics will help it to come alive.

Saturday & Sunday from 16.45 – 18.30 Uhr –  Paradas, Barridas and making the most of the available space - Inter & Advanced

This class we want to give you some playful footwork and things to do when space is limited, in a crowded milonga.   Barridas: The foot of the man leads the foot of the woman in a sweeping kind of movement. It also could have the effect that the woman leads the foot of the man… we will discover the variations. Paradas: Interruption and changing the direction of giro of the woman by taking one of her feet, this traditional element has many variations and possibilities, we will cover a range that goes from the basics to the most complex and interesting ones.

Cost: 1 workshop 25 euro (20 reduced) / both workshops 40 euro (35 reduced)

Location: Zwischenraum, Seydelstr. 7 10117, Mitte  (U2 Spittelmarkt)  www.zwischenraum-berlin.de

Inscription and questions: lieslyfederico @ googlemail . com
