2008-11-26--30 USAUS Fandango De Tango

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We're celebrating our 10th Annual Event


Nov 26-30, 2008 in Austin, Tx.

An Immersion in the Art of Argentine Tango

Over 120 hours of Tango Dancing Fun!

Over 90 hours of Classes and 33 hours of Social Dancing We've had tremendous interest in this year's event.

We've added classes on Wed evening!

  • 6 Levels of Classes
  • No Partners Required
  • Plenty of Practice Time
  • Refreshments Provided Between Classes
  • 6 Milongas
    • Wednesday
    • Thanksgiving Brunch
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday All-Night
    • Sunday

Fabulous Dance Performances by the Tango Masters on Sat. Night