2008-09-22--28 UA Feodossija-Kurortne Festival Velvet Tango

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"Summer is running out so fast and we are still seeking for warm sea, starry sky, smell of flowers and time out with friends. We are glad to offer you such opportunity and invite you to Crimea where the Festival of Tango Argentina will be held.

Each of us who has at least once been to Crimea will keep beautiful memories about time spent in this wonderful place forever. Love to this marvelous place and discussions with friends brought us to an idea to organize Tango Festival to collect everybody who loves tango, dances tango or dreams of tango.

This year we organize this Festival at the third time, and we believe that it will become a good tradition and the festival will be held each year in the end of September. Resort "Krimskoe Primorie" situated at the foot of the mountain Kara-Dag in the village "Kurortnii" will become a cozy home for the Festival.

In this resort you will find own beach, swimming pool, 5 houses with the apartments of different levels of comfort and prices, walking area and playground. You will be also pleasantly surprised by beautiful concert hall, a special hall for milonga, halls for private lessons and practice as if specially made for the Festival.

From the 22th till the 28th of September 2008 you will enjoy sea, sun, yachts, tango during all days long, pleasant time with friends, live music, interesting excursions and shows. You will have an opportunity to collect grape and to turn it to wine with your own feet and to leave it in the bottle in a wine-cellar up to the next year. You will be certainly surprised by the beauty of dawn at the foot of the mountain Kara-Dag and will always remember your dawn tango.

Try to dance tango on yacht when only dolphins can watch you and celebrate holiday of Neptune in tango style. You will certainly fall in love with this wonderful place, sea, mountains and people and will look forward to returning here more and more.

With Love, Alexander and Natalia Berezhnovi"

Übrigens: "Kurortne" leitet sich aus dem deutschen "Kurort" ab. ;-)

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