2008-08-25 FRQXB workshop series until 2009-03-31 - Confirmation au tango

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The workshop Confirmation au Tango (Confirmation to Tango), is an experimental attempt to solve some issues still experienced by "advanced" tango dancers after 3 or 4 years of tango lessons.

Aix en Provence, 2008/2009

The limits that these advanced dancers are reaching, are no more due to movements, steps or other topics usually studied during standard tango workshops, but are likely rooted in some lack of body consciousness on one hand and of expressivity on the other hand. Roughly speaking, these persons did invest a lot of time and worked hard to reach a correct level of dancing, and they do not progress anymore but by exploring some fields, quite ignored by the current standard tango way of teaching.

The program of the workshop is organized in 4 parts to get/improve:

body consciousness: Feldenkrais method
mouvement harness: Pilates method, gyrokinesis
expressivity skill: introduction to afro-dance and to contemporary dance, tango oriented
specific tango topics: walking, accuracy, posture, autonomy… Note: this workshop deals with already known tango topics only, it doesn't intend to give standard tango lessons

See more: Tang'Aèro (in French)