2008-08-03--10 SISZA international tango summer camp

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3-10 august 2008

8 days with international teachers, dancers, DJs (optionally the long weekend 8-10 august only)

beautiful location in submediterranean rural environment; learning and dancing tango, socialising, non-tango activities (feldenkrais, yoga, taichi, swimming, climbing, trekking, cycling, tasting regional red wine and prosciutto, wild-water sports, massage treatments..)

Teachers: Birkit and Muzaffer (Utrecht, Holland), Komala and Stefan (Nijmegen, Holland), Mara and Michele (Udine, Italy), Ina and Axel (Aachen, Germany), Vesna and Holger (Graz, Austria).

DJs: DJ Arnoud de Graaf (Nijmegen, Holland), DJane Irina (Russia/Italy), DJ Marco Z (Gorizia, Italy), DJ Janis (Klagenfurt, Austria), DJane Francesca (Trieste, Italy),

Affordable for everyone!

Check http://www.tangokranj.si for more information, including the panoramic photos of the location, the program, arrival options and the registration details. See the list of participants and come meet your friends in Slovenia this summer!