Apache Wicket

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Sets of software to run Wicket

Example set of software for running an Apache Wicket project:

Example set of additional software for development on Win7 x64:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\bin\javaw.exe



To start, don't worry about Ant or Tomcat. Much easier to use eclipse.

Run eclipse, go to Files / Import / General / Import existing projects into workspace.

Then Select Root Directory / Browse, and browse to the tigit directory. Eclipse will recognise the tango.info project; import it.

Then go to the Run / Run configurations... menu, create a run configuration for a new Java application, and "Search" for the Main class in the info.tango.music.ui.web package (Click on Search, type Main in the text field, and select the one from the info.tango.music.ui.web package).

Then you can run the tango.info app from Eclipse, by choosing the Run menu.

You will need to supply the DB connection parameters as described in [...]. In the case of running from eclipse, put a file called "tangoinfo_local.properties" in the tigit directory, with the overridden parameter definitions for username, password and database name.

persistence.local.url=jdbc:mysql://<hostname, eg localhost>/<mysql db name>?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull