Hsueh-tze Lee

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Known for her musicality and innovative approach, Hsueh-tze teaches Argentine Tango across North America and internationally. A life-long dancer, Hsueh-tze has been one of North America's pioneers in Argentine Tango since 1990. She draws inspiration from her extensive experience dancing with milongueros of Buenos Aires over 8 extended trips. Her dance blends the richness of tango tradition with exploratory possibilities.

Equally adept in both leading and following with 16 years of experience dancing both roles, Hsueh-tze is sought for her skills and insights. She has taught throughout the US, and also in Singapore, Canada, Mexico and Buenos Aires. In her classes, Hsueh-tze integrates her knowledge of dance, physiology and biomechanics to focus on movement quality, partner communication, musicality and improvisation. She imparts a dynamic and distinctive perspective to her students. Hsueh-tze hosts and DJs Blue Milonga, the popular second Saturday milonga in Boston.

Hsueh-tze holds a doctorate in physiology from Harvard University, and won a teaching award as a Harvard Teaching Fellow. Formerly a biology professor at Wellesley College, she now teaches tango full-time.