Add event

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choose an article title that starts with a date in the international format, year-month-day, e.g. 2007-06-30_..

Date ranges, e.g. for festivals, should be written with -- e.g. 2007-06-11--14_..

See many other examples: 2007

type article title, do not use "/" oder "&": <createbox> width=60 </createbox>

  • Note1: In the next page you can enter the text for your event. For linebreaks try empty lines.
  • Note2: To put the event in the correct geographic category, you must add [[Category:XX]] to your page. XX is the two letter country code. For Germany it is DE, for the United States it is US, France is FR ...
  • Note2.2: You can be more precise by adding the 5 letter UN/LOCODE. E.g. DEBER for Berlin, ARBUE for Buenos Aires.