Tango Flores

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Tango Flores was founded in January 2006 by Isabella Bayer and Jaro Cesnik, two tango dancers from southern Germany.

With the aim to contribute to the tango scene in the rhein-neckar-region and attract new people to tango, "Tango Flores" was first founded in Schwetzingen, near Heidelberg.

After almost a year and a half in Mai 2007, Isabella and Jaro decided to move Tango Flores to Mannheim, where there was no tango scene at that moment.

At the current time, Tango Flores offers regular classes for the beginners, intermediate and advanced level. Their will be workshop-weekends in a two month cycle beginning in july 2007. All lessons are taking place in Musikpark-Mannheim, Hafenstr. 9.

A special "Practica-Milonga" is taking place every third Friday in the month, from 10 pm to 2 am, giving the dancers from Mannheim and the region the opportunity to practice tango for a longer time period.

Tango Flores is currently hosting two Milongas:

1. "NeoTango Beat Club" is a NeoTango Milonga taking place every first saturday in the month in Handelsstrasse 9, Heidelberg-Eppelheim.

2. Milonga im Bootshaus in Mannheim took place for the first time in Juni 2007 as a great success. This Milonga is taking place once in a month on the second sunday.

More information on the current events hosted by Tango Flores you will find on thei website: http:\\www.tango-flores.de. The website is currenty in german, an english version is comming soon.