2009-09-19--20 deberms002 Workshops with John and Cica

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Samstag 19 September

14.00 - Technique for leaders and followers (All levels)

15.30 - Circular Dynamics and Circumference (Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene)

17.00 - Interesting Directional Changes and Alterations of the Giro (Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene)

Samstag 26 September

14.00 - The Close Embrace and Walking in Circles (All levels)

15.30 - Musicality and Changing Dyamics (Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene)

17.00 - Complex and changing giros: planeos, enrosques and adornos (Mittelstufe, Fortgeschrittene)

1 Workshop €20

2 Workshops (same day) €35

3 Workshops (same day) €45

Please book in advance by emailing John jorotango@gmail .com

