Tango.info track tagger format string

From tango.info wiki
Revision as of 2012-08-18T16:13:18 by Tobiasco (talk | contribs) (==1.3.4== Testing %comment% - currently only available for references that are URI. The URI will be in the %comment%.)
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The tango.info track tagger since 1.3.2 (work in progress) accepts a format string for the output.

The format string can be set via the input field or via url, e.g.:


  • %disc_tqty% number of tracks in disc (count in tracks table, CURRENTLY THIS IS NOT THE MAX OF TRACK NUMBER)
  • %album_tqty% number of tracks in album (count in tracks table)
  • %album_dqty% number of discs in album (max value for album_side in tracks table)

Aliases exist see below. For work on tags or wishes see TIS tags.

Available variables can be seen below, all strings in the form %<variable_name>% are variables, e.g. %tin% gives the TINP.

%date% is the raw format as defined in tango.info track date, %year% the year if known.


//======= output formatting ============


//===product specific===

	$sf["%album artist%"]=$t["product_artist"];

	$sf["%album collection%"]=$t["product_collection"];


//===side specific===

//===track specific===
$sf["%artist_vocmarker_off%"]=str_replace(", voc. ", ", ",$t["track_artists"]);


//===performance specific===


Testing %comment% - currently only available for references that are URI. The URI will be in the %comment%.