2010-12-11 21h30 deberrx001 Milonga Global Milonga im Ballhaus Rixdorf

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The Global Milonga is an open alliance of tango dancers, organizers, and teachers celebrating the tango's innate ability to unite and transform. Anyone can join! Simultaneous tango events are synchronized by online streaming audio, and raise funds for a cause of universal importance: our planet. Dancers around the world tango to the same music at the same time and live video is projected onto the walls of local venues and streamed on this website.

Next Global Milonga: Saturday, Dec. 11, 2010.

The theme of the event is Tierra Querida: Beloved Earth, a tango recorded by the orchestra of Julio De Caro whose lyrics describe an idyllic homeland, and we've chosen our date to coincide with National Tango Day in Argentina. The Global Milonga represents our solidarity as an international tango community and demonstrates our collective power to create the world we wish to live in.

Our environmental partner, Trees for the Future, is a nonprofit organization developing community-based agroforestry projects in Africa, South America, and Asia. Their local teams plant trees at a rate of less than 10 cents per tree. That means just $10 plants 100 trees!

In searching for a cause we could all enthusiastically support, regardless of where we lived or in what situation we found ourselves, sustaining our physical world resonated strongly. We chose to partner with Trees for the Future because of their community-based approach, which mirrors the best of what we hope for in the tango world: a spirit of collaboration that allows us to see that the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts, and that together we can accomplish things we never dreamed possible alone.