2010-06-18--20 deberrw001 Workshop Tango Laboratory Berlin 2010

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Welcome to our 2nd Tango Laboratory in Berlin!

organized by Claudia Rogowski & Matias Facio

Hi everyone!

After having a great time with our Tango Laboratory in Buenos Aires, Claudia and I are proud to announce our second laboratory: ‘Tango Laboratory in Berlin 2010′ this time we invite Moira Castellano & Gastón Torelli, one of the most renowned couples in the presents days.

These are the themes that we choose for you:

-Friday 19:30 to 21:00hs Conexión and independency in Tango: Everything you need to know about conexion in close and open embrace, how to connect with your partner without losing connection with yourself… (60€)

-Saturday 15.00 to 18.00hs Musicality for Vals and Milonga: Play with the rhytmical and melody to imprube your improvisation and creativity! (60€)

-Sunday 15.00 to 18:00hs How to change dynamics in between the couple: creating inner dynamics in between the couple, playing with different axes, in order to connect better also in complex positions! (60€)

* Packages:

If you want to take 2 seminaries, the price will be 100€, for 3 seminaries 150€, if you are student (please bring something that says you are officially a student…) you get 10€ disccount for each package (50€, 90€, 140€). And remember you will have the chance of working together with 4 teachers with a small group of students!

Classes will be in english with german support (if it is need, and by the way, there will be people coming from all over Europe)

For further Information about our Lab, please contact us to:

email: myctango@gmail.com mobile: 01774946117

please, your question don’t disturb us we are very pleasent to answer all of them!

Why a Tango Laboratory?

We love study tango. Since we started dancing we were searching for new ideas for movements, connexion, embrace... Our goal is to explore different techinques, theories and ideas that help us and our students for social and professional dance... We invite you to come and join our Labs... your Labs...

Claudia & Matias!