
From tango.info wiki
Revision as of 2008-10-28T16:58:41 by Bedegent (talk | contribs)
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  • Edit this page, copy and paste the {{venue ...}} block in your venue page, then fill in the requested fields in your venue page.
  • Note that the status=open field means that the venue is currently open. Other status values are: closed or intermittent or summer. No status means "open".
  • Geo-coordinates of venues can be found by using GOOGLE MAP:
  1. create a map of yours
  2. create a marker on the venue location
  3. click on the RSS button: this will provide an XML file, coordinates are available for each marker in the <georss:point> tag.


The information contained in the {{venue ...}} block will be presented by this template as follows:

name {{{venue_name}}} ({{{status}}})
locate on gmap)
Address {{{address}}} gmap
Geo Coordinates Lattitude (S/N): {{{kml_lat}}}
Longitude (E/W): {{{kml_lon}}}
Practica {{{practica days and hours}}}
Milonga {{{milonga days and hours}}}
Lessons by {{{lessons by}}}
Music by {{{music by}}}
Phone {{{phone}}}
Website [{{{website info}}} {{{website info}}}]
Presented by Template:venue (under construction)