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name not decided, see also identifiers

  • TIAN Tango Info Audio Number
  • TIAC Tango Info Audio Code
  • TIAI Tango Info Audio ID
  • TIAD Tango Info Audio ID


  • identify a group of tracks
  • ... tracks that are derived from same performance
  • i.e. same in title (work performed), artist(s), time
    • Chrisjjj disagrees - one performance may be released with different titles.
  • independent of knowledge about title, artist, time

grouping by meta data

currently tracks in tango.info are matched based on 4 track meta data fields:

  • title
  • orchestra
  • vocalist(s)
  • date


  • there are instances (examples?) of different performances which match by these criteria, e.g. 5 min later performed again.
    • a 5th field for disambiguation would be needed
  • the track meta data is not fully provided for all. So the matching does not work as it could work with more meta data.

used for tango.info track based discographies

how to construct the id