Add event

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To announce an event you must be logged in.

Each event is defined by "WHEN WHERE WHAT", do not use "/" or "&" or äöüéê or "$%§ etc.

example: 2008-05-19_DEBER-BO_live_Y_punto

<createbox> width=60 </createbox>


date in the international format, year-month-day, e.g. 2007-06-30_..

Date ranges, e.g. for festivals, should be written with -- e.g. 2007-06-11--14_..


  • two letter country code (AR, DE, GB, FR, US ....)
  • or better five letter city code (UN/LOCODE) e.g. (ARBUE (Buenos Aries), DEBER (Berlin), DEFRA (Frankfurt), GBLON (London), FRPAR (Paris), FRLIO (Lyon), USCHI, USNYC, USLAX, )


  • some keyword and/or description. Keywords are: workshop, festival, milonga, practica, outdoor, start.

more examples: