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Mp3tag is an excellent and excellently supported program for editing the tags of music files in all major audio formats. It is available as freeware from here supported by donation.

Integration with

  • tagging
  • Browsing - you can browse direct from Mp3tag to the album info for any track having the album barcode number (UPC, EAN or TIN) in the Album tag or the folder path.
    • To set this up:
      1. Click Tools, Options..., Tools, <starred page icon>
      2. Enter
        • Name
        • Path e.g. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE
        • Parameter$num($regexp(%album%:%_folderpath%,(?:.*?(\d{12,14}).*)|^,$1),14)
      3. Uncheck for all selected files
      4. click OK, and click OK.
    • To use
      • select a track and press CTRL+1, or:
      • right-click a track and click Tools ►


  • Example of using Mp3tag filter to show intrumentals, solos, duets etc.

  • Filtering by TIN, from a file containing one TIN per line
    1. Edit the file to change all line-ends to the | character e.g. 02480002110729|02480002111528|02480002112921... making a one-line TIN list
    2. In MP3tag, tick View | Filter
      • In Field select the field containing the TIN e.g. _PATHNAME TINT-based filing or ALBUM
      • In Filter, paste the one-line TIN list
    • Mp3tag will now show only the tracks matching those TINs.
    • Filtering by TINT\ is not possible, due the Filter not offering FILEPATH.