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The TINT scheme is a TIN-based scheme for referencing individual tracks.

A TINT is a reference to one track of one side of one album, and is of the form:

  • <TIN>-<Disc#>-<Track#> e.g. 00008637207120-1-1 .

Disc# and Track# are decimal numbers without leading zeros.

TINT\ is an alternative presentation in which '-' is replaced by '\'. Likewise TINT/.

TINT fields and tags

TINT field values are usefully stored in the audio file tags, for example:

  • TIN - stored in a custom sub-field of Album: King of Rhythm 1937-1944 [00008637207120]
  • Disc# - stored in
    • FLAC (Vorbis comments): Discnumber
    • WMA: the first part of WMA/PartOfSet
    • MP3: (ID3V2.4) TPOS. E.g. the 1 in TPOS 1/2 for the first disc of a two-disc album. ( 4.2.1 TPOS Part of a set )
  • Track# - stored in the conventional Track Number.

TINT-based filing

TINT\ may be used as a music library's filepath format e.g. track 1 of disc 1 of the album having the TIN 00008637207120 is stored at D:\MyMusic\00008637207120\1\1.flac .

The TINT subfilepath is fixed forever. It contains no metadata, so avoids metadata correction causing inconsistentcy or breakage of references from e.g. playlists. The TINT subfilepath is constant across multiple libraries, allowing playlist to be transported, file extension and content set permitting.

To ease identification when browsing the folder tree directly, each album folder may contain a file named <Album> - <Album Artist>.txt or .htm. This can contain track metadata.

To ease location of a particular album, there may additional subfolders holding names links/shortcuts:

  • "!Explore by Album title" holding links/shortcuts named <Album> - <Album Artist>.lnk
  • "!Explore by Album Artist" holding links/shortcuts named <Album Artist> - <Album>.lnk.