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Non-ASCII characters

The Issue

Non-ASCII characters in the Windows pathnames (folder and file names) of music library tracks can cause problems due to incompatiblities with:

  • Macintosh
  • Portable music players (where they can prevent play of the file and of subsequent files)
  • FTP clients and servers (where each often appears as a garbage character pair)
  • Some utility programs e.g. FLAC encoder, Beyond Compare 2
  • File-sharing programs


Replace non-ASCII characters with e.g. the nearest ASCII equivalent:

  • accented char -> non-accented equivalent
  • left and right quotes -> upright quote

Replacement can be performed by Mp3tag using an Action Groups containing a Replace action for each character.


  • filenames should be ASCII only - non-ASCII causes too may problems. Further restrictions as follows:
    • prefer usage of only A-Za-z0-9_
      • or only a-z_
    • . for fileextensions, otherwise undecided, probably avoid
    • ' not decided yet, if removed, how to write D'Arienzo?
    • , avoid, at least in work titles
    • []() maybe reserve for special meaning
    • space always replaced with _

As of 2008 the az_names are used for work links


Emailing between Tobiasco and Chrisjjj

> 21 I'd better drink my wine in silence.wav

My fault for not replacing that non-ASCII char - thanks!

> FLAC encoder can only process computer high comma '
> not the other high comma

Yowch. Expect that program to fail on other legal Windows filenames too!

-> take care with filenames