Tango Experience Berlin 2013

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Tango Experience Berlin ist eine Veranstaltung der 
GE Invest GmbH & Co. Consulting KG 
vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer:

Frank Eggers
Wilkestraße 7b
13507 Berlin

Handelsregisternummer HRA 41447 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Umsatzsteuer ID-Nummer DE235404235


Official website, went offline on 2013-08-23

New site

The new site on 2013-08-26 says:

"The organizing company GE Invest GmbH & Co.Consulting KG, Wilkestr.7B, 13507 Berlin (HRA 41447 Charlottenburg, USt-IdNr.: DE235404235), General Manager: Frank Eggers, had to file for bankrupcy on Friday, 23rd August 2013. Lots of requests are being submitted towards the Experience. We appologize that it is not possible to quickly answer all of those requests. Contact: contact@tangoexperience.org"


2013-08-22 16:15


Official Announcement!

We are very sorry for all the current trouble and confusion.

At this time there will only be our daily milongas at Ballhaus Rixdorf.

Further updates will be posted when available.

We deeply regret and apologize for the current situation.

Frank Eggers
Festival Organizer

2013-08-23 11:50

An alle Gäste und Freunde der Experience,

ich untröstlich über die derzeitige Situation. All der Zuspruch 
und all die Unterstützung der letzten 2 Jahre sind auf einen 
Schlag zu nichte gemacht und unwiederbringlich verloren.

Es tut mir unendlich Leid für alle Gäste und für alle Helfer, 
welche mit viel Einsatz für die Vision von einer neuen Art von 
Tango Festival gekämpft haben.

hiermit entschuldige ich mich aufrichtig bei allen, 
welche hierdurch Schäden und Enttäuschung zu erleiden haben.

Frank Eggers

2013-08-23 22:37


Dear Experience Guests,

the Experience has been pressured to either take expensive actions, 
or to submit to accepting much higher services fees, as originally 
agreed on by contract. This continues struggle had major impact on 
the flow of organizing the Experience, as well as its financial standing.

The company organizing the Experience had to file bankruptcy today. 
No other solution was left or insight.

Frank Eggers
Tango Experience Berlin

2013-08-24 17:53

In the blink of an eye, a dream can turn nightmare. All I ever wanted 
with TeB was to gather amazing artists and try new ideas and concepts. 
For this I have dedicated my last to years. Deeply regretting that 
the vision came to fall so closely to becoming reality. And in that 
fall so many innocent people have to suffer the consequences of my failure.


2013-08-25 11:29

Dear Experience Visitors and Travellers!

As you might be able to guess, lines to the Experience (Phone/Mail/FB/SMS) 
have been running hot.

Sorting out the mess created through cancellation will start in the 
current days. Please understand, that it is impossible to answer on all 
requests on a short time scale. Thank you.

Frank Eggers

2013-08-25 20:00

700 people at Rixdorf yesterday night!

I failed the Experience as a festival manager.

But the Experience didn't fail to bring people from all over the world 
concetrated together in Berlin in one moment, in what must have been an 
incredible night at Rixdorf!

2013-08-25 20:00


*** Update on Compensation Claims ***

Dear Guests of Tango Experience,

if you had prepaid your ticket, or classes for Tango Experience, then please send a formal claim request to:


Claims should be named to:

Tango Experience Berlin
GE Invest GmbH & Co.Consulting KG
D-13507 Berlin

All claims will be collected and submitted to the court dealing with the insolvency of the organizing company of Tango Experience, GE Invest GmbH & Co. Consulting KG.

Frank Eggers


Dirk Apitz



"Now I am waiting for someone to claim that he actually really is an extraterrestrial feeding on the anger of human tango dancers. Wow! All venues where either completely or almost completely paid. The same holds for the flights. And the hotel. And the catering. If I wanted steel money, I had taken all invest and sponsor money, not below a million though, paid nothing and varnished to an emerging country outside Europe. Shall we go on with these kind of speculations?" | Like · Reply · 1 · August 24 at 1:22am via mobile


"Dirk Apitz Veronica, so you think he is playing with feelings, that this is a game for him? And you think that why he cancelled does not matter? It matters to me. And Bettina, if there was a conflict between Frank and Cafe Moskau, do you seriously expect the director of the place to confirm any charges against her? And where do you take your certainty about who is lying after only talking to one person? A parkett on a parkett doesn't strike you a little odd? What about the members of the organising team that have been thrown out the night before when setting up the place? Is this normal in Germany? | Like · Reply · August 24 at 11:27pm via mobile"



  • Leonhard Jaschke: Excuse me, I am just an outsider. But if I read "higher service fees as originally agreed on by contract" with the consequence of denying these services (that were certainly in the contract) on very short notice (festival had literally started), the conclusion for me is not that Frank has acted carelessly or even is a betrayer. It rather looks to me as if he (and his organization) have been blackmailed ... | Like · Reply · 1 · August 26 at 9:46am via mobile
    • Dirk Apitz You probably wanted to write "(that were certainly NOT in the contract)". | Like · August 26 at 6:35pm
    • Dirk Apitz And that's how it looks to me since Thursday. | Like · August 26 at 6:38pm

Plan B



All marked as "Already fully booked!" on 2013-08-23.


Reports in the press



http://www.kulturradio.de/zum_nachhoeren/kultur-aktuell/kultur_aktuell.html Interview mit Jochen Thärichen:

  • Information über Absage - Freitag früh nachgefragt, Veranstalter sind nicht auf die Musiker zugegangen.
  • "Die Berliner Symphoniker sind die einzigen die einen Vertrag haben, so wie ich das in der Zwischenzeit rausbekommen habe."
    • Anmerkung: Es wurde Tango.info von einem anderen Orchester mitgeteilt, dass dieses auch einen Vertrag hat.
  • Finanzieller Schaden: "Im Vertrag abgsichert, dass ein kleiner Betrag vorab bezahlt werden muss und der wurde auch bezahlt": Wenigstens Musiker für Proben bezahlt.
  • "Es war ursprünglich geplant in Berlin das Festival aufzuziehen, dann dieses im nächsten Jahr in Buenos Aires zu veranstalten"



"Ausgabe Nr. 56 - Oktober/November/Dezember 2013" has an article "Focus – Abgesagt – Warum ist die Tango Experience Berlin ausgefallen? Von Raimund Schlie"

Comments by associates

Dirk Apitz in facebook within the thread Tango Experience Berlin August 23 via mobile "Dear Experience Guests...":

A parkett on a parkett doesn't strike you a little odd? 
What about the members of the organising team that have been 
thrown out the night before when setting up the place? 
Is this normal in Germany?
August 24 at 11:27pm


2013-08-23 22:37 Frank Eggers: "The company organizing the Experience had to file bankruptcy today."

On the facebook festival page it says with date 2013-09-07: " Insolvenzantrag ist beim Insolvenzgericht Charlottenburg am Freitag, den 23.8.2013 per FAX gestellt worden. Vorläufiges Aktenzeichen: 36g IN 3578/13."