Yahoogroup TangoDJ

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Description as of 2010-08-18

Tango DJ Forum

The purpose of this forum is to talk shop. Discuss old or new albums and their danceability or interest, sound quality, software, equipment, anything provided it’s of interest to people who are seriously into DJing tango music for dancing. We have 100s of talented dedicated tango DJs from all over the world, and the discussions are of very high quality. Beginning DJs welcomed.

To join

Please click JOIN. Your membership needs to be approved and you may be moderated for a while. In the box "Comment to Owner" type your full name, home community, what you are (DJ / tango collector / what?), PLUS the answer to one of these easy tango trivia questions. - Rodolfo B. played the …. - Miguel C. worked with several singers including …. - The guy with the dark glasses is Carlos *who*? Without this we will NOT approve your membership. Thank you for helping to keep the spammers out. Your information is NOT saved/used/published. Thank you.

Forum rules

  • This is a friendly collaborative environment
  • People are here for the information not the opinions
  • Post only on tango music and/or playing for tango dancers, including technical aspects (nothing else even if it relates to tango or BA)
  • No rude or hurtful postings (go to Tango-L for that).
  • Before you ask the list a question, please first look on google, in our archive, on to find the answer yourself. This applies especially to our new people and beginners. This is to promote quality questions and quality answers.
  • Please recommend good music you find! But do not use the list as a vehicle for copyrighted material.

Offenders will be moderated or removed from the list.


For issues with forum access, write to moderator AT Thank you.

We look forward to interacting with you. Spread the word!