UTC offset representation using HSL

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  • 00 = 0
  • 40 = 64
  • 80 = 128
  • C0 = 192
  • FF = 255
  • gi00 (i * 60) min
  • gi30 (i * 60 +30) min
hue 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345

Basic colors would be:

gi00 code gi00 sample gi30 code gi30 sample
#f0f #8000ff
#00f #0080ff
#0ff #00ff80
#0f0 #80ff00
#ff0 #ff8000
#f00 #ff0080


Offset group Region 1
overlap Region 5
Region 2
180W - 90W
Oceania, North America
Region 3
90W - 0
North America, South America
Region 4
0 - 90E
Europe, Africa, Asia
Region 5
90E - 180 E
Region 6
overlap Region 2
Hue Sample html color code
og000 -12:00 -06:00 +00:00 +06:00 +12:00 0 #ff0000
og015 +00:15 15 #ff4000
og030 +00:30 30 #ff8000
og045 +00:45 +12:45 45 #ffc000
og100 -11:00 -05:00 +01:00 +07:00 +13:00 60 #ffff00
og115 75 #c0ff00
og130 -10:30 -04:30 +01:30 +07:30 +13:30 90 #80ff00
og145 +01:45 +13:45 105 #40ff00
og200 -10:00 -04:00 +02:00 +08:00 +14:00 120 #00ff00
og215 135 #00ff40
og230 -03:30 +08:30 150 #00ff80
og300 -09:00 -03:00 +03:00 +09:00 180 #00ffff
og330 -08:30 -02:30 +03:30 +09:30 210 #0080ff
og400 -08:00 -02:00 +04:00 +10:00 240 #0000ff
og430 -07:30 -01:30 +04:30 +10:30 270 #8000ff
og500 -07:00 -01:00 +05:00 +11:00 300 #ff00ff
og530 -06:30 -00:30 +05:30 +11:30 330 #ff0080
og545 -06:15 -00:15 +05:45 +11:45 345 #ff0040