Universal Ad Package

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The Universal Ad Package (UAP) is a set of four ad sizes that all compliant member publishers have agreed to support. This standard is published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

  • 300 x 250 - (Medium Rectangle) 75 000
  • 180 x 150 - (Rectangle) 27 000
  • 160 x 600 - (Wide Skyscraper) 96 000
  • 728 x 90 - (Leaderboard) 65 520

Ad sizes have been standardized to some extent; they are:[1]

Name width (in pixels) height (in pixels) aspect ratio source
Pop-Under 720 300 2.4 IAB
Large rectangle 336 280 1.2 IAB
Medium rectangle 300 250 1.2 IAB/UAP
3:1 Rectangle 300 100 1 IAB
Square pop-up 250 250 1 IAB
Vertical rectangle 240 400 1.67 IAB
Rectangle 180 150 1.2 IAB/UAP
Leaderboard 728 90 8.09 IAB/UAP
Full banner 468 60 7.8 IAB
Half banner 234 60 3.9 IAB
Button 1 120 90 1.33 IAB
Button 2 120 60 2 IAB
Micro bar 88 31 2.84 IAB
Micro button 80 15 5.33
Vertical banner 120 240 2 IAB
Square button 125 125 1 IAB
Skyscraper 120 600 5 IAB
Wide skyscraper 160 600 3.75 IAB/UAP
Half-page 300 600 2 IAB

Relation to other standards

Closest to


300 x 250
180 x 150

External links