Beyond Compare operations

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Beyond Compare Folder Compare allows bulk operations to be carried out on music libraries.

To access Folder Compare:

  1. From your Start menu, launch Beyond Compare
  2. Click on the Folder Compare button
  3. When Folder Compare opens, click Browse for folder (the button having a folder icon, to the left of Enter path here)

Sync operations

These require the two libraries to be in compatible filing formats e.g. both in TINT-based filing.

Synchronising two local library copies

  1. Click left side Browse for Folder and select your source library root folder
  2. Click right side Browse for Folder and select your destination library root folder
  3. Click Actions | Synchronise | Mirror to Right and continue

Synchronising local and remote library copies

  1. Click left side Browse for Folder and select your source library root folder
  2. Make a snapshot of the remote library as described below
  3. Click right side Browse for Folder and select the snapshot
  4. Click View | Show Differences
  5. Click Edit | Select All
  6. Click Actions | Copy to Folder, ensure Left side is selected, and continue

Select operations

Snapshotting library content for remote reference

  1. Click Browse for Folder and select your source root folder
  2. Click Tools | Save snapshot
  3. Under Include, uncheckmark all but Empty folders
  4. Click OK

Select all folders (and files within) containing file(s) of a given type

  1. Click Session | New Session | Folder Compare
  2. Click left side Browse for Folder and select your source root folder
  3. Click View | Only compare files
  4. In Filters: type e.g. *.WAV
  5. Click Edit | Expand All, then Edit | Collapse All
  6. Click Edit | Select All, then Actions | Exclude
  7. Click Session | Session Settings | Name Filters
  8. Select all Exclude Folders text and cut, select all Include folders text and paste, and click OK.
  9. Click Edit | Select All

Common operations on selected folder(s) and file(s)

  • Move or Copy folders/files
    • select a destination on the right side, click Actions | Move to Right or Copy to Right
  • Copy list of folder/filenames to the clipboard
    • Click Actions | Copy Filename (sic).