2010-03-06 deberpl001 Workshops - Liesl and Federico

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Workshops with Liesl & Federico

Saturday 6th March 2010

13.00 – 14.45 Uhr Milonga! All Levels

Our milonga workshops are back, as always with focus on the music, and how to interpret different rhythmical patterns. This workshop is open to all levels and will work progressively: the sequences will start simple and progress as the class goes on, we encourage you to go as far as you feel comfortable!

15 – 16.45pm Musicality, Intention & captivating sequences for the social dance floor. All Levels

This workshop will concentrate on enriching your dance and repertoire with techniques and sequences perfect for enjoying yourself, the music and successfully navigating a crowded milonga. We will be using a close embrace combined with clear tools for maximum musicality, connection.

Cost: 1 workshop 25 euro (20 reduced) / both workshops 40 euro (35 reduced)

Location: pilateslab, Chorinerstr 31, Prenzlauer Berg, (U2 Eberswalderstr) www.pilateslab-berlin.de

Inscription and questions: lieslyfederico@googlemail.com
