2010-01-02--03 deberpl001 Workshops - Liesl and Federico - Colgadas and Volcadas - Milonga

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Workshops with Liesl & Federico

Saturday 2nd January & Sunday 3rd January – Intermediate and above levels.

Saturday 13.00 – 14.45 Uhr – Milonga We will be looking at the different rhythmical patterns & influences present in milonga, and use them to make playful sequences. We will also be introducing some footwork for the followers… and more!

Sunday 13 – 14.45 Uhr – Playing with the axis – colgadas & volcadas In this workshop we aim to introduce and consolidate the concept of working on and off the axis, with a focus on connection & trust in the couple and sequences in close & open embrace.

Cost: 1 workshop 25 euro (20 reduced) / both workshops 40 euro (35 reduced)

Location: pilateslab, Chorinerstr 31, Prenzlauer Berg, (U2 Eberswalderstr)

Inscription and information: lieslyfederico@googlemail.com
