2009-07-04 deberlf001 Workshop - Liesl and Federico

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Workshop Saturday 4th July 2009 with Liesl & Federico

13.00 – 15.00 Simple, beautiful sequences for the social dance floor - All Levels – This workshop will concentrate on enriching your dance and repertoire. Using very simple and clear tools- for maximum enjoyment, musicality and connection.Our aim is to take those patterns or movements already known (and often repeated!) and open the possibilities to turn them into something new and adaptable.

We will work with 3 of the most popular tango orchestras, Juan D’Arienzo, Anibbal Troilo & Osvaldo Pugliese, looking at their individual characteristics, history and tips for how best to interpret them.

15.15 – 17.15 Secrets of Improvisation - All Levels – In this workshops we look at exercises and techniques to:

recognise & play within the tango structure

work with tools for connecting with your parnter in a creative way

use sequences and variations to improve leading and following

Cost: One workshop 25 E / 20 E Reduced - Both Workshops 40 E/ 35 E Reduced

Location: Tangoloft, Wiesenstrasse 62, Aufgang 7, Wedding (S-Bahn: Humboldshain)

Inscription: Please contact lieslyfederico@googlemail.com for all questions and inscriptions or for more information www.lieslyfederico.com