Tango.info sql query list

From tango.info wiki
Revision as of 2008-04-12T01:39:29 by Tobiasco (talk | contribs)
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FROM tango_persons_x_pascale , tango_persons
WHERE tango_persons.person_code = tango_persons_x_pascale.code

FROM tango_persons_x_pascale
LEFT JOIN tango_persons ON tango_persons.person_code = tango_persons_x_pascale.code

SELECT e.tin, e.comment
FROM tango_products_external e
LEFT OUTER JOIN tango_discs d ON e.tin = d.disc_tin
WHERE d.disc_tin IS NULL
LIMIT 0 , 100

SELECT dbtango.tango_cities.unlocode, page_title
FROM dbwiki.mul_page
LEFT JOIN dbtango.tango_cities ON dbtango.tango_cities.unlocode = dbwiki.mul_page.page_title
WHERE `page_namespace` = 14 AND page_title REGEXP '^[A-Z]{5}$' 
AND unlocode NOT REGEXP '^[A-Z]{5}$'

without last line i get some NULL for unlocode column. i want only these. but the last line makes it that i get no results.

wiki article datetime



dbwiki.mul_page : page_id, page_title 


dbtango.tango_wiki_pages : page_id, time_start, time_end

where page_title can be like

  • 2007-10-12--14_Festival_Karlsruhe
  • 2007-05-30--06-03_Festival_Sydney
  • 2007-12-07--2008-01-06_Festival_Roma


TRUNCATE TABLE `tango_wiki_pages` ;
INSERT INTO `tango_wiki_pages` SET page_id = 1
[to be completed!]

Chrisjjj To convert page_title to page_id, time_start, time_end you could use PHP preg_match().