TINP: Difference between revisions

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(Undo revision 10297 by Tobiasco (Talk))
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*to do
*to do
**How to address a single side (e.g. CD) of a multiple-side album e.g a double CD album having one UPC/EAN (barcode number)
**How to address a single side (e.g. CD) of a multiple-side album e.g a double CD album having one UPC/EAN (barcode number)
**How to address a particaulr track on a Side
**How to address a particular track on a Side
***<nowiki><TIN>-<d>-<t> where <d> and <t></nowiki> are variable-length side and track numbers optionally with leading zeros e.g. 02480002300120-1-01 , 02480002300120-1-20
***<nowiki><TIN>-<d>-<t> where <d> and <t></nowiki> are variable-length side and track numbers optionally with leading zeros e.g. 02480002300120-1-01 , 02480002300120-1-20
Line 71: Line 71:
***<TIN>d<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length side and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120d1t12
***<TIN>d<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length side and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120d1t12
***<TIN>cd<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length disc and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120cd1t12
***<TIN>cd<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length disc and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120cd1t12
****direct understandable by humans (cd = CD), good for search engines
****direct understandable by humans (cd = CD), good for search engines but inappropriate for non-CD sides.
[[User:Chrisjjj|Chrisjjj]] but inappropriate for non-CD sides.

Revision as of 2007-11-11T01:50:17


TIN (Tango Item Number) is a 14-digit numeric identifier used by tango.info and others.

The TIN scheme is designed to be used instead of the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) scheme where tango-related items need to be covered. It covers all items that GTIN does, plus tango items that GTIN does not cover due to the GTIN authority having not assigned them numbers.

The TIN set is a superset of the used GTIN set. Specifically, it contains all used numbers in the GTIN set, and it also contains special TINs. Special TINs are assigned by tango.info and tango.info-authorised parties. Special TINs are in the special GTIN range 0200 - 0299 (defined by the GTIN standards organisation GS1 as Restricted distribution (GS1 MO defined) where MO means [national] member organisation). Since these numbers are not for international use tango.info thought it would be ok to use them for tango. Currently only numbers in the 0248 range are used.

tango.info uses TINs in URLs, e.g.


For a list containing many tango.info-assigned special TINs, see http://eng.tango.info/search?q=0248 . This search matches the embedded term, so may contain some false positives. It is not known if this list contains all tango.info-assigned specials TINs. At time of writing it contains no special TINs assigned by other parties.

code agreement with tangocd.com

The following range of TINs has been reserved for assignment by tangocd.com to CD albums having no barcode:


"kl" are assigned by tangocd.com and "n" is the checkdigit. For example, the first 10 codes are:


tangocd.com uses 13-digit identifiers which are TINs with the leading zero removed, e.g.


This format is referred to as TIN-13, by contrast with which the standard format may be referred to as TIN-14.

examples of Special TINs



Extension for addressing a specific track, perhaps called TINT

  • to do
    • How to address a single side (e.g. CD) of a multiple-side album e.g a double CD album having one UPC/EAN (barcode number)
    • How to address a particular track on a Side
    • Suggestion:
      • <TIN>-<d>-<t> where <d> and <t> are variable-length side and track numbers optionally with leading zeros e.g. 02480002300120-1-01 , 02480002300120-1-20
      • <TIN>-<dd>-<ttt>where d and t are successive digits of zero-padded side and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120-01-012
      • <TIN>d<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length side and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120d1t12
      • <TIN>cd<d>t<t> where d and t are variable-length disc and track numbers e.g. 02480002300120cd1t12
        • direct understandable by humans (cd = CD), good for search engines but inappropriate for non-CD sides.

4.2.1 TPOS Part of a set

 The 'Part of a set' frame is a numeric string that describes which
 part of a set the audio came from. This frame is used if the source
 described in the "TALB" frame is divided into several mediums, e.g. a
 double CD. The value MAY be extended with a "/" character and a
 numeric string containing the total number of parts in the set. E.g.

This means that the latest version of the standard for ID3 tags (the type of tags used in MP3 files) has a tag field for side number e.g. the first CD of a two-CD album would have TPOS "1/2".